Is there an Idiot Farm somewhere where Republicans plant and grow their young? The clip you’re about to see is going viral for a number of reasons: 1. This state senator plainly is not listening to this woman. She gave her name, locale, and profession. 2. The word “stewardess” was in vogue back in the Mad Men days. Nowadays they are called flight attendants and some of them are men. Where does the GOP find these clowns?

I don’t know the context of this beyond the fact that a sick and safe time amendment was the issue on the floor that day. I give all credit to the pilot, she handled the gaffe most graciously, far more than I would have done. This happened last week and various news organizations have reached out to both the state senator and the Pilots Association and have not gotten a reply.

But this is typical. This is part of an ongoing pattern. We saw the ludicrous scene in Katie Britt’s kitchen the other day where she was enacting the role of Miffed Mom and making a complete farce out of it. She went out of her way to say her “real job” was mom. Because not to do so, to say that one’s profession formed a significant amount of one’s identity, would be “unfeminine.” OMG, you can’t have that. That was the basis of Britt’s Baby Fundie Southern Belle routine, was to uphold “traditional” values.

This state senator made the blunder because it’s an ingrained reaction that a woman in any organization must be in a support role, not one of the leading players or the owner. If she’s female, works for an airline, she must be passing out pretzels, right?

Dornick says, “I don’t know why I said that.” I do. It’s because you’re indoctrinated with the belief that women are servile per se, but occasionally one of them does something of note, like end up on the Supreme Court or some such. But that’s all affirmative action, right, you have to “give” something to women.

Dornick is the type of guy that believes he’s a better variety of human simply by virtue of being male. That’s why he said this. It’s amusing that he hasn’t gotten back to CBS or other news outlets. That’s undoubtedly because he can’t figure out a way to wriggle out of this one gracefully.

He flat out wasn’t listening to her. He heard “airline” and “based in Minneapolis” and just began to wing it. What a moron.

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  1. Quite an example of some a-hole proverbially tripping over his dick and face-planting on the concrete. I do so enjoy seeing GOPers make complete fools of themselves though.

  2. Any woman who votes republican should be required to revoke her vagina license with all the privileges and persecutions that come with it. Stupid lawmakers equals stupid laws! Come on America…it’s really that goddamn simple. She’s such a professional. I would have been tempted to say hey buddy next time your ass is sitting in a plane…your life is in my hands. The man in the aisle dressed in a uniform will get your scotch and soda.

  3. Captain Haynor said that she was a “first officer” at Delta; she should have stopped there, not mentioned “pilot,” and allowed the sexist Repugnican clown to fumble his way through figuring out what level of “stewardess” a “first officer” might be: possibly the exhalted one chosen to deliver coffee and donuts to the flight deck?

    • I remember an old George Carlin routine making fun of the glamorization of those who fly commercial aircraft. Once upon a time it was Pilot and Co=Pilot. And Engineer in some of the bigger & more complicated planes. But the pilots, many of whom had gotten their training in the military wanted something new that they felt would make passengers hold them in more awe. Hence “Captain”, “First Officer” and even “Flight Officer” instead of Engineer. Ole George did quite the sendup of their inflated egos and the titles they demanded and got.


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