Tennessee Rep. Tim Burnett believes the United States is covering up a lot about UFOs.


There are a lot of us who – having to research the giggle-worthy subject for a novel, walked away a bit stunned by the evidence that is out there. Moreover, in the last few years, the New York Times and the American military have come out and admitted that they have evidence of stuff flying around out there that violate our known laws of physics. The military called them “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” for at least 20 years, which is a great way to get around FOIA requests for “UFOs.”

Burnett is almost surely wrong. It isn’t necessarily the United States government that would be covering stuff up. It would be the defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, those types, that would have the evidence… The government has to be somewhat accountable to the taxpayers. Private defense contractors do not and need not release anything.

But Burnett isn’t dissuaded because he has an ace in the hole. the Bible mentions UFOs. Except it doesn’t. But, tell us, Congressman. From Mediaite:

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) shared his unfiltered thoughts about UFOs on NewsNation Saturday, including accusing the federal government of a “huge cover up” and telling viewers that there is proof of UFOs in the Bible.

“The first chapter of Ezekiel is pretty clear of a UFO sighting,” Burchett said, citing the King James version.

Umm, no – it’s not. Indeed, it’s not clear about anything, and one could almost say that it was more clear about a Marvel movie. From Ezekiel Chapter 1 Verse 4-6:

And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings.

Having established that the above is a little vague, we now don’t need Ezekiel. We have Commander David Fravor’s account, which is not vague at all. Chasing a UFO in an F-16 is fairly straightforward, especially when the plane has video.

Moving on:

“I don’t trust government,” he declared. “There’s an arrogance about it and I think the American public can handle it and they need to release everything,” including if the federal government did have an alien craft.

Well, on this subject, no one really does. But when he says he thinks the American public can handle it, is he absolutely sure about that? I am not going down some rabbit hole – primarily because I don’t know what to believe – but I do believe this; follow George Knapp’s advice. Knapp is the reporter who broke the Area 51 story and probably knows more about the issue than anyone.

“Do not presume you are ‘ready to hear everything’ and ‘can handle it,’ because – again, this issue may go well beyond what we imagine UFOs to be. There is a good chance that most of us are not prepared to handle it. What if it goes well beyond little green men in saucers from another planet? What if it involves time travel, other dimensions, or psychological manipulation… (I have no idea, I’m just throwing weird things out there) we don’t know what it involves, and that’s why we shouldn’t presume we can handle it.

There likely are “UFOs” out there. Commander Fravor had one jam his radar lock while chasing it at 300 knots, even though he wasn’t carrying weapons, and less than one second later, the object was 60 kilometers away, right at the spot where the fighter pilots were supposed to do their training exercises. And before you call anyone crazy for questioning this, you will have to call A LOT of astronauts crazy and a lot of former White House employees, like John Podesta, former Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, who wants it all released.

No one is looking to Ezekial.

Nor is it likely that the government is covering much up. It is far more likely that less than ten people in the entire government (which includes the military), know anything at all. If we have answers, they will be found in the desert with EG&G, Raytheon, Lockheed, and lots of sub-corporations, all of which are black and don’t report to anyone.

Oh, and don’t assume you can handle it. 🙂

[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO

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  1. Yeah, right. The American public “can handle” the existence of aliens as real.

    This is the same public that includes a large number of people who routinely claim the Earth is flat, that the Earth is only thousands of years old and that dinosaurs coexisted with humans, that the Earth’s humans were created by an all-powerful God in “His image.” American religious groups have condemned the very idea that there are aliens (at least, intelligent ones) because that would mean humans are NOT “special,” that God’s “plan” no longer makes humans the centerpiece of His creation. And if He did create OTHER intelligent beings elsewhere in the universe, why does the Bible not specifically mention this? What does humanity’s “stewardship” over “everything” mean when it comes to these aliens?

    • Interestingly enough, one day, out of the ffffing’ blue in 2008 – literally out of the blue – the Vatican put out a statement saying that belief in aliens and God was not at all incompatible and that they would authorize baptizing aliens.

      If any “government” besides the U.S. “knows” about the subject, it would be the Vatican, which has one of the largest spy networks on earth.

      All I am saying is that I found the timing interesting. It was four years after Fravor’s incident and the Pentagon formed the UAP study group.

    • Agreed.

      There are a lot of good lessons to be learned, even for secularists in the gospels, Jesus was a fanatical liberal, and hated the establishment/powerful, but it is in no way history or science book. I say that as a scientist and believer.

  2. There is plenty in the bible that I find bat-shit nuts. And doubted from the time I was little being taught it in Sunday School. Johan for example. Moses’ stuff, especially the parting of the Red Sea. And good ole Jesus? Lazarus comes to mind, and turning water into wine. As for that passage from Ezekiel “beasts” have been around since humans became capable of thinking and imagining. People have always seen strange shit that, especially when “not themselves” (drunk, high on something they imbibed, got hit on the head etc.) haven’t been what they thought they saw. Or they chose to “embellish” (George Santos anyone?) in their telling of their story. Or as we all know a story gets embellished as it’s retold. Hype to make something stand out, to be more memorable is hardly new!

    As for UFOs I don’t believe we are the only beings in the vast universe. I believe there have been and are other civilizations, and that there is far more about the universe and the space-time continuum than we even imagine. On the other hand, I also believe that almost every “UFO” has a rational and man-made explanation. When the SR-71 was being developed and tested you can bet their were radar operators and even a handful of pilots aloft that had a WTF? reaction to something streaking along that fast and high – far more than was believed possible at the time. Hell, when helicopters were developed (I’m talking about big ones that could carry multiple people and/or payloads) keep in mind most aircraft didn’t fly all that fast so something that could move along at the speed of a civilian plan and suddenly hover, then move up or down in altitude or hover and be zipping off in the direction from which it came or at a right-angle (or more) to its original path would have freaked people out! Not to mention the look of one if close enough to see it!

    Later on we’ve gotten to VTOL (vertical take-off, landing) fixed wing aircraft. I could go on but the point is that there’s been a LOT of experimental stuff that “isn’t possible” seen on radar screens or glimpsed by pilots or people on the ground that have turned out to be expererimental aircraft. Oh, and the whole “flying saucer” thing? Bear in mind the look of many modern stealth aircraft that are mostly one giant airfoil with as few protuberances as possible to diffuse radar echos! In fact, the concept of a “flying wing”, while not exactly a “saucer” has been around since we were moving into the jet age! You don’t think people that saw those freaky looking things didn’t wonder?

    Have aliens and their transport visited this planet? I’m sure it’s happened. But given the vastness of space, how life on this planet evolved and survives (the biochemistry adapted to the conditions on this planet, while that on others would likely be different. And maybe not carbon based or even needing water – we only assume water is a requirement) I doubt they’d stick around long, or even come back. So I think it’s a reality, just not nearly as frequent an occurrence as most others who believe the same.

  3. GEN 6 – aliens come down to earth, mate with human women and their offspring are the “giants of old”, this bastardized offspring is the reason for the flood and Noah in the next chapter.


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