As I can’t help but keep saying, You just can’t make this shit up! The saga of the alleged George Santos just keeps getting weirder and weirder. And none of it is going to help him in any way.

For starters, let’s just start with something that shows just how craven and arrogant George Santos is. Just to be clear, what I’m about to describe to you is nothing new, unusual, or in any way unlikely or unbelievable that is restricted to the Georges Santos campaign. Because it isn’t.

If a candidate raises the requisite petition signatures to get on the ballot, and manages to garner enough fundraising to get the campaign off the ground, if the candidate has a competent campaign manager and staff, one of the first things that the staff does is to contract an outside research firm to conduct an opposition research campaign on their own candidate.

The reason is simple, and foolproof. If you’re going to run a campaign, you go into it already knowing that your opponent is going to run an oppo research campaign about you. So the logic is that you do it yourself first, so that you’re already armed with anything negative that the other campaign can find, and have a solution ready for whatever they throw at you. Makes perfect sense.

And that’s just What George Santos’s campaign did in 2021, They had an outside firm run an oppo campaign on Santos, and let’s just say it didn’t work out so well. In fact, it worked out so badly that Santos’s own campaign urged him to drop out of the race to avoid potential personal embarrassment. And already having been advised by his own senior campaign staff that he was a deeply flawed candidate, and almost certain to go down in flames. Santos blew them off and carried on.

And now MSNBC is reporting that multiple former roommates have come forward to accuse Santos of having stolen items from them when they were living together. Among the items they listed as missing were a silk designer men’s shirt as well as multiple personal checks. And a former roommate identified a designer scarf that Santos was wearing when he gave a speech at the Ellipse on January 5th as being his.

People, this just keeps getting worse and worse. Not only has George santos been already been proven to be an inveterate liar, now people are coming forward to state that he stole from them. The more George Santos opens his mouth, the more people come forward with fresh allegations about his conduct. And the more the authorities investigate those allegations, the deeper Santos sinks. Basically, George Santos is fucked. Go ahead Howdy Doody, keep on backing his play! Schmuck.

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  1. I have thought that Little Georgie is just the tip of the New Repuke Playbook.

    What is to stop the Rs from running anybody who has no background or qualifications for a bunch of offices merely to get their votes once elected?


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