In 2023, after years of investigation into now well-known private parties, Venmo payments, very young women, and criminal friends, the Justice Department informed Florida Representative Matt Gaetz that it would not prosecute him for the associated above issues. But that doesn’t mean that serious concerns and serious assertions don’t exist and won’t come out, indeed, it looks like many soon will.

Let’s explain. One can easily get lost in the myriad of details in the surprisingly complex civil case. But some details, perhaps some of the most lurid ones, will perhaps come out this coming week. Ironically, it all stems from a lawsuit originally filed to protect Gaetz – and himself – from facing scrutiny by suppressing some key facts and instead may be the source.

To keep things straight, one has to understand the role of three people. Gaetz is obvious. Florida lobbyist and Gaetz friend Chris Dorworth is said to be caught up in much of the sexual activity and payments that weigh Gaetz down, also the plaintiff in the case. And then there is Joel Greenberg, who was the friend and co-conspirator of both. Greenberg orchestrated the parties, the girls, and payments, and for it, now sits in prison for an 11-year term.

More importantly, Greenberg wrote a confession letter that at the very least touches on activities done by Dorworth and Gaetz. So Dorwood sued Greenberg and the young woman involved, all in an attempt to suppress Greenberg’s details. Except it didn’t.

Dorwood’s lawsuit dropped the young woman as a defendant, perhaps in a belief that if the lawsuit went away, so would the details. Except the defense attorneys want to be paid and Dorwood has money, a lot of it. The defense attorneys are trying to leverage the secrecy to get  their fees paid.

If Dorwood wants things to remain secret, he’ll have to pay for it.

From the NOTU congressional news service:

[T]he DOJ informed Gaetz in early 2023 that it would not be criminally charging him. In the wake of that decision, Dorworth filed a state lawsuit against Greenberg, his family, their Florida dental business and one of the women who said she was a “sex trafficking victim.” The lawsuit claimed a vast conspiracy that cost Dorworth his lucrative lobbying career.

The woman fought back in court, with her lawyers depicting what they called her “experiences being sex trafficked and statutorily raped by plaintiff,” referring to Dorworth.

Yes, well – vast conspiracy or not, the suit was filed primarily to shut Greenberg and the woman up (among others) because Dorwood was almost necessarily involved in the same activities and that’s a problem.

Gaetz has somehow managed to weather the scandal, which is almost as absurd as being a middle-aged congressman and paying teens for sex. Speaking of which, isn’t there another name and another criminal law applicable to men who pay for sex? But he may be angry that his privacy is being leveraged to pay legal fees. Maybe Gaetz might? His family is rich, too.

Weirder things have happened.

As to what might come to light? God only knows, because DOJ dropped the case, in large part, due to the young woman’s lack of credibility. Note, that doesn’t mean that she was lying. It means that she’d lied enough in enough situations that a jury simply wouldn’t have believed her. What does that mean? Some of the allegations may be as explosive as they are true.

Even if not, it is never good, never, to have your name related to teen girls, parties, Venmo, and the Department of Justice…

We’ll see, probably, which is probably surprising.

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  1. To be honest with everything else that’s been going on I’d forgotten about the House Ethics Committee investigation that was ready (so we were told) about to drop a devasting report on Bratty Matty. A freaking year ago. So angry was Gaetz with McCarthy for not ‘killing’ that investigation he triggered the outster of McCarthy. However it looked like Gaetz was a goner, except George Santos’ foibles took front and center. Santos is the one the GOP expelled from their already damned near unworkably thin majority so Gaetz I believe was saved by Santos. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who forgot about the whole mess.

    The timing of all this? Courts sometimes do operate on their own schedules which is how things should be. Politics shouldn’t factor in. But between the upcoming election and the impending budget/funding showdown this mess is the last thing Moses Mikey Johnson wants in the news this week or before the end of the month. Would Gaetz force a shutdown to protect his worthless ass? That could actually backfire and rather spectacularly.

    Well, we’ll have to wait and see what if any details become public on this. It could be setting the stage for a sex-scandal distraction if Trump flames out Tuesday night. Which do YOU think the chattering class will want to talk about – Trump and his mental decline or Gaetz and sex with underage girls? Team Trump and the GOP would throw Gaetz under the bus in a heartbeat if need be.

  2. What comes first with the republicans?

    Being hypocrites on any moral issues means sex offenders can hide in their ranks


    Having so many sex offenders in their ranks has made them hypocrites on any moral issues,

    A real chicken and egg situation isn’t it?



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