This week, I’m sorry to say, some of the furkids had a very sad experience. They felt that the best way to express their melancholy was through music and, as it happened the British group Smokie recorded a song back in 1976 that described the incident remarkably well.

So the Furkids team got to work correcting the lyrics (because hoomin songwriters often get them wrong) and finding photos to illustrate the whole sad event.

They tell me they found some coins in the park for the jukebox this weekend so we’re all set to go. Also, they’ll feel very much better if you sing along with them and ask you to please use the correct lyrics.

You can buy the Furkids a frothy kofi for $3 or €3 at The Furkids want you to know they choose oat milk and love licking up their frothy moustaches! Our heartfelt thanks to all contributors.

Michelle and her furkid Loula are packing up to move at the end of their lease. Please send them loads of positive energy that the owner of their dream home will approve their application and they will be able to move in this week!

Hugs to you all. 💖


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  1. {{{Michelle}}} & skritches to Ms. Loula with all kinds of Healing/Helping/Good Thoughts for your dream home becoming your real home this week. & Bless the Furkids for their fun song.


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