Twitter’s new broom swept in a lot of grunge with a distinctly musky odour that the Furkids couldn’t help but notice. They see that some have left, some are thinking of leaving and some are registering with one or more alternate soc-meds just in case but staying for now until whatever end there might be.

It’s the Twitter dilemma and punk rock seems particularly apropos for its anthem. So settle back, press play on the jukebox then scroll down to the illustrated lyrics, tap your feet in time with the beat and sing along.

The Furkids and I are still hanging out on Twitter and you can find us at @Mopshell or treat the Furkids to frothy milkshakes at

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  1. {{{Michelle}}} Lovely and fun way to point out the dilemma. Bless you and the Furkids. As for me, I’ll be there as long as there’s a there to be. Then I’ll decide what to do next. You & I have been on a couple of different venues/platforms together. We’ll always find each other. Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}}


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