This week it’s smooth, soft jazz. A creamy delight that soothes the soul.

This year marks the 93rd anniversary of this song — which is a bit of a worry when I realized that I know the song quite well… and I’m not that old… no, really, I’m not. I was very close to my grandparents from babyhood to late teens and I listened to a lot of their music. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Before I forget — because my old lady memory isn’t as good as it used to be — there’ll be a special Funday Furkids on Wednesday September 2 to mark the Autumn Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere folks.

Back now to our regular program — I did track down an original version of this song by Jazz singer Annette Hanshaw but the sound quality of the 1928 recording was not very good so the team opted instead for the glorious mellow tones of Debbie Reynolds.

The team also decided to include lyrics to go with the orchestral section — they reckon they’ve trained you well enough for you to manage that now. The jukebox is full of coins and ready to go so just click, scroll and sing along with the lyrics!

See you Wednesday!

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  1. {{{Michelle}}} I always love this one. And the furkids’ treatment of it. (I can’t get the video to play but I found one on YouTube that worked.) Skritches to Ms. Loula. I’m looking forward to Wednesday’s “special” – your Vernal and our Autumnal Equinox. Healing Energy come with it. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  2. I REMEMBER THIS SONG!!!!! And yes I too know the words. And yes I too was raised by grandparents for my first few years. And yes I too am getting kinda oldish now….. Also I adored Debbie Reynolds when I was young!

    So thank you for another amazing and totally happy-making Furkids!

  3. I have always loved this song! I don’t know how I hadn’t heard it until I was in my thirties, but it’s such a gem. Thanks so much, MarTiger and Furkids, for showcasing it today. Y’all are the best!


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