It’s been a disruptive couple of months in our household with our long-time friend moving out and the search on for a replacement housemate. Loula is very unsettled by all the sorting and packing going on. The Furkids team understand how she feels so I suggested to them that it would be okay to vent a little this week if they’re feeling low. That idea really perked them up and off they went in search of the most upbeat song they could find about feeling low. (What can I say… they’re furkids, right? Logic doesn’t apply. They don’t make much sense even on a good day.)

So here’s their upbeat version of feeling low — and they hope you enjoy it!

I’m sorry to say it but they used their most pathetic expressions to con coins out of passers-by for the jukebox this week — seems to be their version of an April Fool’s joke, except it isn’t confined to April 1st. 

Get yourself comfy, press play, then scroll down and sing along with the Furkids illustrated lyrics with gay abandon!

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  1. {{{Michelle}}} You and the furkids did a good just. As usual. I hope things are getting better, settling down for you and Ms. Loula. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • Absolutely.. so hard to pick best… Good luck with household… It’s migratory bird season in full flights right now.. perhaps you will be flying high next week.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful!!! I’m late getting here, but it was sooooo worth the wait. Thank you as always, Michelle. Your Funday Furkids is one of the highlights of my week, every week!


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