While in the supermarket other week, I heard an old song on their inhouse radio which I then happily hummed to myself all the way home. Of course, the Furkids team decided it was one of their berry favrit songs (they are amassing a prodigious collection of berry favrit songs).

The ensuing singalong was interrupted by some brisk mooing, meowing, barking, growling, chirping etc regarding which version of the song was their berry berry favrit. Unable to come to any kind of harmonious decision, I offered to include both of their berry berry favrit versions in this week’s column. They were delighted by this solution! Thus we will be singing along to both the original version and the latest version of I’m a Believer. 

We begin with the original version sung by the Monkees. Just press play, scroll down through the lyrics and sing along! (PS: Apologies for the huge gaps – I’ve no idea why WordPress is randomly inserting them and no idea how to fix the problem.)


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  1. {{{Michelle}}} Lovely. I’m old enough to remember when the first version came out. Which is probably why I prefer it. LOL. (We watched The Monkees every week. My younger sister had a crush on Davy Jones.) But you & the Furkids did a stellar job illustrating both versions. Skritches to Ms. Loula. Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}} to you.

  2. I too remember the original version (and yes, I prefer it too!). Love and hugs to you and scritches to Charlie, Cloud, Freddie, Bobbie, Murf and Rennie.

  3. Yeah, I like the first version too because it connects to memories, but I loved all the pictures, almost couldn’t even pick a favorite (well, maybe that tiny black kitten). Thanks for another great posting, Michelle.

  4. I’ve gotta join you and your other fans in having a preference for the original version, because I was a teenager when it was released, and I too watched The Monkees tv show! You certainly went above and beyond in presenting two versions of illustrations too, Mopsy! Thank you for the blast from the past and your and the Furkids’ interpretations of them. 🙂


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