This afternoon Fox News could not wait for the facts about a high speed car crash on the Rainbow Bridge, which links the U.S. and Canada at Niagara Fall, they were so eager to begin blaming President Biden for the incident that they reported that the vehicle was filled with explosives before even a stitch of any evidence that such was the case had been gathered:

Although the Fox talking head in this video is clearly trying to slowing walk misinformed Fox viewers back to the vicinity of the truth, the chyron at the bottom of the screen is still clearly stating that the incident was a terrorist attack.

Here is what really happened, as reported by a responsible News organization:

“NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) — A vehicle speeding toward a U.S.-Canada bridge from the American side crashed and exploded at a checkpoint in Niagara Falls on Wednesday, killing two people and prompting the closing of multiple border crossings for hours. Authorities weren’t sure what spurred the wreck but said there were no signs it was a terror attack.

Much remained unclear about the incident at the Rainbow Bridge, which stirred concerns on both sides of the border as the U.S. headed into the Thanksgiving holiday. Both U.S. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were briefed soon afterward, and Trudeau excused himself from Question Period in the House of Commons to get further information, saying officials were “taking this extraordinarily seriously.”

Security camera video released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection showed the car racing through an intersection, hitting a low median and vaulting into the air in a U.S. Customs and Border Protection area just east of the main vehicle checkpoint. The car flew for yards (meters), twisting, and then crashed out of the camera’s view.”

Here is video of the flying car, which was apparently a Bentley. I have seen tweets that allege that the driver was returning home from a casino, but that is unverified at this point.

Of course Elon’s Army of purchased and unverified blue check marks added to the confusion:

Mmmmm… maybe they did a journalism?

Fox News sources?

Thank you for your service. Go stuff your tweet.

F both you loons.

Which explains why you are an idiot.

While many others just laughed at “Fox News”:


It’s a day that ends in “Y”.


Half of the idiots who watch Fox News are probably only reading the chyons while Hank Jr. blasts from the jukebox in some low rent beer joint and are still talking about the “terrist attack”.

Thank you Fox for helping to make this country a terrible place to live in.

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  1. I had MSNBC on for a while and they talked about nothing else so I eventually got into dealing with other stuff. One thing caught my eye and a couple of the talking heads (actual LE experts with experience) confirmed my impression. What I did NOT see were car parts scattered all over the place, but what I DID see was the pavement behind the car had several long (3-5 feet) pools of flame connected with a narrower band of flame suggesting a ruptured gas tank. THAT can easily lead to a fire and explosion although nothing like one caused by an IED. Between the lack of (car) debris on the pavement and that burning gas I figured that the gas tank ruptured and a spark cause a fire that made it explode.

    Now, despite what you see in movies it’s not at all common for a gas tank to rupture and cause an explosion in even really violent accidents. However it does happen and that car going airborne as much as it did could cause it to happen. The only question is the two dead guys – and I’m sure LE was combing their histories right away.

    It’s prudent of course for LE to prioritize determining whether something like this is terrorist related but from early on it seems that if it was is was one piss poor effort. NO bomb, even improvised in the car? I’m thinking perhaps the driver suffered a heart attack or seizure and his foot stomped on the gas & the passenger couldn’t get control. Or it was a couple of dumbass domestic goober “terrorists” deciding it was time for a suicide attack on the “goddam gub-mint” and on impulse decided to try and take out a border crossing with their car to screw with Thanksgiving travel up there. However, if the car was in fact a Bentley I kind of doubt that. MAGA goobers aren’t known for having the resources to buy a Bently. Those Monster Trucks take them years to create!

    Well, time will tell. Frankly until at least tomorrow I think we should hold off on any judgements about the cause of this – medical emergency leads to crash, or an impulse domestic (and half-assed) terrorist attack.

  2. A vehicle speeding toward a U.S.-Canada bridge from the American side

    They we leaving the US!

    Leaving the USA!

    FUX doesn’t report on terrorist things in Canada now, do they?

    I feel safer already.

    Still idiots.

    • It was most likely an older couple, if they were Kiss fans, my question is if the concert was cancelled why were they still trying to cross into Canada?

      Strange story, maybe some day drinking was involved.


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