You can tell how much of an impact that the J6 committee televised hearings had on the nation by the high level of interest in the any-minute-now final report. One recent poll showed that 53% of those polled were either highly likely or likely to either read the report, or at least skim through it. That’s impressive.

Personally, I’m luke warm on the idea. After all, the final report is going to be 8 chapters, one covering each topic that was covered by a live hearing. For me, reading the final report is kind of like reading a book after you’ve already seen the movie. Sure there’s a lot more detail, but the storyline and ending are basically the same. And the ending is all anybody really cared about anyway, the committee referred Traitor Tot for criminal charges.

But in the process of their investigation the committee did something I find even more fascinating and provocative. They conducted more than 1000 interviews. The plan is to release the printed transcripts of those interviews gradually between now and the end of the year. Granted, some of the interviews will not be released, for the simple reason that they were informa interviews where the witness wasn’t under oath. But the bulk of them will become public.

In fact they’re already trickling out, and already they’re providing more bombshells than some of the hearings. The Cassidy Hutchinson transcripts dropped earlier today, and they’re a national treasure. They may also lead to a couple of Trump aligned lawyers enrolling in truck driving school so they can eat after the lose their tickets to practice law. Just a sample;

  • In her pre testimony legal consultation prior to the September 14th interview, she recalls that her lawyer, former Trump White House ethics lawyer Stefan Passantino told her that if she was asked a question she was uncomfortable with, or that would make the administration look bad, the magic words were I can’t recall. this was not perjury since it was impossible for them to know what you can or can’t recall
  • When Hutchinson related her conversation with former Trump aide Tony Ornato, when Ornato related Trump’s meltdown in the SUV, Passantino’s response was a head shake, No, no, no, no, no. You don’t need to tell them that. When Hutchinson replied that was what Tony told her, Passantino retorted Just because Tony told it to you doesn’t mean you have to tell them about it
  • Hutchinson stated that in the September 14th interview, Passantino was sitting next to her, and it was like Having Trump standing right behind me, listening to every word I said. She said she felt threatened and intimidated, which was the whole intent
  • Hutchinson also related that it was Mark Meadows right hand aide who called her the day before her 2nd interview, and tried to coach her testimony, telling her that Meadows knew what she was doing the next day, and knew she was a loyal soldier, and that she’d be taken care of just as long as she did the right thing

And that’s just Hutchinson! In other transcripts there are other golden nuggets. For instance it may not really matter what Tony Ornato recalls or doesn’t recall about his now infamous conversation with Cassidy Hutchinson, Because it turns out that Trump’s Secret Service driver in the SUV that day conforms Hutchinson’s recital of the event as related to her by Ornato. And 2 former Oval Office staffers admitted that Trump was not only well aware that he lost the election, he went so far as to admit the fact in private.

My advice? Sit back, relax, and get ready for a steady drip of new revelations from the transcripts. After all, while the final report will certainly add context and detail, they’re retelling a story any of us who watched the hearings or recaps have already heard. But with the exception of the 2 Hutchinson interviews, the rest of the transcripts that have dropped so far have been from minor, more peripheral players, and look what they’ve dropped!

What’s going to happen when the transcripts of the major players start to drop? People like Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Stephen Miller, Rudy Ghouliani, Pat Cipollone and Patrick Philben. Not to mention Supreme Court Froot Loop Ginny Thomas. We’ve seen clips of several of them at hearings, but that just cracks the surface of their testimony. What other dirt did they dish?

Normally the week between Christmas and New Year’s is death valley for news, especially political news, with everybody being back home. I think this year is going to be far different. As more and more of these transcripts drop and are analyzed, there’s going to be a fire hose of new revelations, and I’m sure some of them will be real eyebrow raisers. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. Who would have predicted a 26 year old staffer would be a millstone tied around the Republicans’ neck? Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!
    And all that before the pundits comb the transcripts! We won’t have a white Christmas in North cackalacky but presents are coming!!

  2. “…it was impossible for them to know what you can or can’t recall”. Really? Because it seems to me that if she had spoken to anyone about any of this, and she did at least speak to that Ornato person, they could be brought before the the same interview folks and prove Ms. Hutchinson was lying. I’m pretty sure lying would not have gone down well. If she had any sense at all, she recounted all the goings-on she was privy to whether it was friends, family, other coworkers along with keeping a written record. She ought to have realized the shit show she was wading into, and it looks like she did, before accepting the position.

    I hate to pat her on the back and give her a WAG for doing the right thing but she provided some useful information and she likely burned some bridges and fucked up some future employment opportunities in doing so.


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