Finally! The Perfect Requiem For The Trump Presidency! (With A Video)


Y’all know me. I spent 5 1/2 long years paddling around in the Trump swamp. First in his campaign, and then in the daily shenanigans of the daily administration. How in the hell did I get there? Don’t ask. It started as fun, because Trump was such a blinkered clown, but then it took a dark turn. But by that time I was already hooked.

But my simple life is so much better now! My heart sings every time I see President Biden walk behind a podium. And then experts brought into the White House briefing room answer simple questions with simple, direct answers. There is a normalcy and a cadence to this world that we have been missing for all of this time.

But as I sat there today, in quiet contemplation, I came to a sudden realization. Because Trump himself was such an overpowering personality, by his own design, all attention was focused on Trump, all of the time.

And the four year nightmare of the Trump administration was so much more. What about Ivanka Trump? What about Alex Azar, and Alex Acosta, and Jared Kushner? What about Tom Price? What about What about Collins and Hunter? The entire Trump administration was nothing short of a third rate criminal cabal, one I nicknamed The gang that couldn’t shit straight.

And that’s when it hit me. The Trump administration was nothing more than a pathetic, third rate soap opera. And third rate soap operas eventually close. And they do so to a rousing musical ending. And the more I thought, the more I realized that I already knew the perfect musical sendoff to the Trump administration. And here it is;


If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. I get the point, and I am an AC/DC fan since about 1976. But the cost to our country of trump squatting in our White House for four years is very high, both financial terms and in lives lost!

    • Best we NEVER FORGET, hundreds of thousands of US Citizens have and are still dying, thanks to the very poor minded man in our WH …

      If ANYONE should suffer tremendous loss of freedom plus wealth, real and imagined, it would be the shitgibbon going to trial shortly …

      Anybody want to buy a tower cheap?

  2. Somehow the 3rd rate soap opera doesn’t deserve nothing but prison tunes. AC/DC is wasted on these mobsters . But it is for the benefit of normal folks. A barrier. A force field. A reminder.

    It was fun when my brother would be driving the General Lee (sans confederate flag logos) blasting AC/DC before dropping me off for high school band practice, parking lot. I actually liked all sorts of music, including AC/DC but it never showed. LOL

  3. Watching President Biden go to work including his appointees doing some housecleaning on those lame duck stunts of Trump sticking slimeballs in key jobs got me to thinking about a fun song from long, long ago. If you’ve never heard it go to YouTube and type The Bulldozer Song into the search box. And make your own edited lyrics in some spots that reflect Biden’s taking a political bulldozer (I’m still feeling warm fuzzies over Austin’s purge of those Pentagon advisory boards) to Trump’s actions!


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