In order to keep your faith intact, make sure it remains unsullied by fact

Let’s start here. From day one, Trump has not only survived, but thrived on The Big Lie. The funny thing is that The Big Lie turned out to be rather elastic, morphing into Whatever Big Lie Traitor Tot needed at any particular moment to get his personal and political ass out of hot water.

Let’s be clear. Trump’s die hard 28-33% base honestly doesn’t care what he says. Once he says it, it becomes irrefutable fact. A recent poll showed that more Trump supporters believed Trump than believe their own family members or clergy. Trying to convert these lost souls to reality is like King Canute trying to stop the tide from coming in.

But Trump’s rabid base is not enough to win a national election by themselves. For that Trump needs moderate Republicans, soft Republicans, disaffected Democrats, and independent voters. And unfortunately for Traitor Tot, the majority of them don’t get their information solely from the far right FUX News bubble sphere. And that is about to not only kill Trump, but be a dagger in the heart of Trumpism.

The judge in charge of El Pendejo Presidente’s Georgia RICO trial announced that both the hearings as well as the criminal trial itself would be broadcast live on national television. I believe that YouTube is also going to stream them live. And when it comes to removing the cancer of Trumpism from the body politic, just like the skin cancer they just removed from my back, Sunlight is the best disinfectant. 

Look, none of this is going to matter a fat tinkers f*ck to the true believers out there. But His Lowness has been on every mainstream media outlet he can find, as well as far right media, preaching The Big Lie that this is a weaponized DOJ, Biden Crime Family effort to interfere with his election campaign on behalf of the Deep State!

But what happens when the cameras turn on, and the trial begins? For the first time for man y of them, soft GOP voters, soft Democratic voters, and independents who don’t normally tune in except for sound bytes, the awakening is going to be rude. This is not the Weaponized Biden DOJ, it’s a state court in Atlanta, Georgia. Biden has nothing to do with that.

And when the evidence starts, these viewers, safely outside of the far right FUX bubble sphere will see that the witnesses are Trump 2020 supporters like Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, testifying to Trump’s pressure to find 11,780 missing votes when no voter fraud occurred. They’ll hear from Georgia state election officials, some of them registered Republicans, who state conclusively that no fraud occurred, and that Biden won Georgia.

They’ll hear from Georgia long time GOP state Senators who have rolled over, who will testify that they were contacted directly but Trump, Giuliani, and Eastman in conferences, stating that the scam to provide a slate of fake electors was legal, and would reassure Trump’s reelection.

How can this be a Weaponized Democratic deep state plot when so many of the witnesses are trusted GOP offiials, When Republicans are turning on other Republicans, especially El Pendejo Presidente, just to save their own hides? True believers like the Loud Toys and the Oath Kreepers stayed true, and look what it got them? ten to fifteen years in federal prison. Why else would alleged Trump loyalists turn if it wasn’t to avoid 10-15 of their own?

Personally I don’t give a fat rats ass about Trump’s suicidal base. They’re like a bad kidney stone, This too shall pass. But when everybody else in the country realizes what the real score is, especially when Traitor Tot is convicted, then the retribution comes.

And it will fall on the head of every single feckless, cowardly, craven sycophant that spent all these years simply regurgitating Trump’s bullsh*t. Why did they do that? How could they not know? Trump’s conviction will bring me a deep sense of peace, and a job well worth doing, but what I really want to see is the GOP’s day of retribution, when the dishes are removed, the glass is empty, and it’s time to pay the check to the people they fleeced for eight long years. Here endeth the lesson.

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  1. “WEAPONIZED DEEP STATE” has a good sound to those nut jobs who have nothing else. Like using fascist and commie in the same breath, as if the philosophies have anything in common. The right has always been great at using Hitler’s propaganda playbook, and it pays off with the willfully ignorant, and, for a couple of election cycles, some otherwise reasonable people who lean conservative get taken in. As long as the rest of us realize that memes and catch-phrases are their sock in trade, we will have the mob that is locked in on its prejudices that it will always be up for a dose of kool-aid, and we have the sippers who will taste it once, like it, taste it twice and realize that the sweetness is saccharin and leaves a bad after taste. If the rest of us stay the course and don’t give up trying to persuade one at a time, then maybe just maybe there’s a little hole for a few more decent years before it all, inevitably falls apart, as all the past empires have.

  2. We are, unfortunately a tv culture, that reads very little. That was never my reality as I was born in ’53. I went through a school system that had REQUIRED reading lists all through high school and college. That’s one of the reasons we have a general population who believes they know things, when, in fact, they know very little. Therefore, baby huey was able to parlay his tv show into a political career. That being said, sometimes it works in favor of the social justice side of the street. OJ may have walked because of errors by the prosecution, the amount of money he had to spend to obfuscate the forensics, and the anger of the black community toward the LA law enforcement, BUT, despite walking, he became a social outcast. There’s no way baby huey comes out of this looking good.

  3. 28-32% of former guy’s base is a large chunk of people that believe everything a proven liar says. This is a national embarrassment. A disgrace. How do these people get hired to do any job other than floor sweeping (and I wonder if that might be too challenging for them)? Are these people the product of a public school education or that home-schooling/religious schooling/charter school crap? If they are produced in our public school education systems, we need to have a sit down with the people in charge of those schools. If they are the product of the crap schools, those schools need to be closed and home-schooling needs to go away permanently. This is a national disgrace.


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