Maybe we should start taking bets on just how long this is going to last. The worst kept secret in politics the past six months or so has been that Elise Stefanik intends to campaign to be Donald Trump’s second in command on the 2024 ticket. She’s made that evident for some time. In fact, when asked about it in summer of 2022, she said she “wouldn’t rule it out.” Stefanik is always the first to defend Trump and always the first to jump on whatever madcap, toxic bandwagon that Jim Jordan and James Comer have managed to get rolling down the road on any given day.

Today, however, was not like every other day. Today Stefanik actually tried out this new pair of shoes that she’s been dying to walk in for some time now. She got on a Sunday show and used the word “hostages” when describing some of the convicted lawbreakers from the January 6 insurrection. This was a sad moment. Stefanik was considered a bright and shining light in the Republican party when she first came on the scene. She was thought of as a generational champion, someone to watch. And what does she do? Why, throw her lot in with the worst president and worst presidential candidate in the history of this republic — and a contender for that title in any other republic or country. The last time somebody with so much promise tossed it all away to follow the bad guy was when Lucifer threw in his lot with Satan — and God threw him and a third of the angels out of Heaven.

Stefanik is suffering from the same malady as Mike Pence. Cowardice, you ask? Well, that too. But what I had in mind was more like snow blindness. She’s so surrounded by MAGA madness that she’s seeing it as normal. It’s not and she’s not the usual MAGA spokeswoman. She’s not as stupid or as base as Lauren Boebert or Marjorie Taylor Greene. Yet she’s actually up there auditioning for a piece of their turf. She wants to be the landlady of MAGA, and then the Queen.

Evidently she sees herself (and I’m speculating but this is hardly a wild proposition) as doing for MAGA what Mike Pence could not, which is to become successor to the Trump/MAGA throne. There is no successor to the MAGA throne. MAGA is a cult. When the cult leader is gone, MAGA will be gone. Where they will go, what they will do, we know not. We only know that they rally around their charismatic leader, which is Donald Trump. He is their master and none other. Stefanik doesn’t stand a chance. Plus, this is interesting, speaking of Stefanik and Pence.

Yes, it should have been Pence’s statement, rather than silence. In fact, it should be the statement of ANY Republican who is serious about rebuilding the party in a post-Trump world. The tragedy here is that Stefanik has no interest in rebuilding the party. She’s just fine with it in its warped, MAGA incarnation. She seeks to perpetuate the lies and the conspiracy theories. She wants the crazy to continue.

Again, for the likes of Greene or Boebert, this makes perfect sense, stuck on MAGA, stuck on stupid. They wouldn’t be politicians in any normal world. They are in Congress solely because they rode the wave of the Trump aberration. The minute Trump’s gone, they’ll be gone as well.

Stefanik should see this. But again, she’s got the snow blindness. She cannot see the blizzard for the flakes. And she is now a flake herself, surrounded by other flakes. Liz Cheney wasted no time calling her out.

Stefanik has gone to the Dark Side. Stefanik is only too happy to carry water for Donald Trump. She’s made her choice. What an abysmal choice to make.

As to whether she’ll realize what she’s doing and snap out of it and wake up, who knows?

I cringe when I realize the level of delusion in this country. I cringe when I see people like Elise Stefanik, Mike Johnson, the whole lot of them ready to throw away their oath to uphold the Constitution and uphold Trump instead. But then we know that power is both an aphrodisiac and a narcotic. And when you factor that in, then the actions of Johnson, Stefanik and all of them make sense. Tragic, yes it is, surprising, no, it is not.


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  1. Remember Goebbels had a PhD. He also killed his six children when Germany was made great again! These phuckers are child killing nazis and that is what they will be known for…standing with the most evil TRAITOR this country has ever known.

  2. Her proverbial conversion to the Dark Side is complete.

    Her problem, and that of the other MAGAs/Siths is that when it comes to Sith Lords there can only be two. Trump of course is the Master. Who takes great delight in watching others kill each other off in the competition to be #2

  3. Elise got it backwards. Instead of being a leader in her upstate NY community, she became one of the backwoods moonshiners herself, a Magat. Rotten decision which I hope come back to bite her big time.

    I’m waiting for the 14th Amendment to “cure” us of these dolts.

    • The above link is to an interview with forensic psychiatrist Dr Bandy Lee. She is one of the doctors that wrote the book on how crazy Trump is. She thinks Biden screwed up by not going after Trump as soon as possible and by not eliminating all of his policies on day one. However, she felt one thing we could do now is push for a 14/3 solution even if it is not effective. The interview is long and depressing but worth a look.

  4. “The last time somebody with so much promise tossed it all away to follow the bad guy was when Lucifer threw in his lot with Satan — and God threw him and a third of the angels out of Heaven.”

    Aren’t “Satan” and “Lucifer” generally considered to be the same entity? I’ve certainly never heard this interpretation.


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