Remember  the show “Counterpart” where there was a gateway to a parallel universe which looked like this one, but the reality was entirely different and there was a Cold War going on between the two sides? It’s not sci fi anymore, we’re pretty much there. There are two Americas, contiguous, comingled and coexisting, each believing in a different version of what is real and what is fake, both in physical reality and in our national discourse.

Alternate reality, as transmitted by right-wing media, has become big business in this country. For reasons that historians and sociologists will scrutinize for many years to come, at least a third of America is gullible enough to believe the hucksters on right-wing media and subscribe to an interpretation of reality that flies in the face of empirical fact, whether having to do with the coronavirus vaccines or how many votes were cast in the last presidential election. Those are the two top fantasy topics, although by no means the only ones, that the vaccines are the tools of a sinister plot and that the last presidential election was stolen and that the Biden administration is illegitimate — which since the Obama administration was deemed illegitimate by some fringe theorists as well, but for different reasons, is not all that revolutionary a concept.

But the essential difference here is that John McCain was not a lunatic advocating that somehow he be elevated to the presidency despite losing the election, nor was Mitt Romney. Donald Trump is. He’s the author of the Big Lie, reportedly at the behest of Rudy Giuliani on election night, and now the hordes that voted for him are eagerly sitting in front of their TVs/computers and getting the indoctrination of the day.

QAnon plays a big part in this disinformation fest and it’s no secret that Steve Bannon played a key role in ginning up the insurrection that took place on January 6, that’s why he was subpoenaed by the House to testify. “All hell’s going to break loose tomorrow” were his words. And the beat goes on, with Bannon and others continually pushing the idea that there is some hope of “reinstatement” or “decertification” which are concepts that simply do not exist in the Constitution or anywhere beyond the fantasy construct of right-wing media. CNN:

The podcast, called “War Room,” is a six-days-a-week alternate reality that is kind of like Trump’s banned Twitter account revived in audio form. In the fantasyland of Bannon and friends, Trump won the 2020 election “in a landslide” (he lost), Trump’s victory (which didn’t occur) was ripped from his hands by a sprawling list of cheaters (pure fiction), and President Joe Biden’s win can still be decertified (nope). […]

The podcast’s relentless barrage of election deception would be damaging enough to American democracy if it were just talk. Bannon spoke approvingly in October about how his efforts have reduced Americans’ faith in “the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s regime.”
But Bannon has also urged “War Room” listeners to take long-term action. He has made frequent pleas for supporters to reshape the Republican party by signing up to serve as “precinct committeemen.”
“It is hard to overstate how dangerous Bannon’s words and actions are,” said Rick Hasen, a professor of law and political science and co-director of the Fair Elections and Free Speech Center at the University of California, Irvine. “He’s creating an army of duped people who will go into positions helping to run elections with the false understanding that the 2020 election was stolen. Who knows what such people are capable of doing when in charge of running polling places or counting votes.”
There is no hard data on the impact of Bannon’s call to activism. But ProPublica reported in September that counties around the country had seen an unusual surge in people looking to sign up for Republican precinct positions after Bannon began advocating the idea early this year.
Bannon is not the only one poisoning the political groundwaters, not by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, Bannon’s ideas about putting proponents of the Big Lie into the local election process are actually tame compared to what Don Bongino is advocating. I don’t know which approach we should be more scared of, frankly.

“Elections aren’t enough?” Sedition, much?

This is not America. We used to be one nation under God, not two nations, each watching and listening to a different set of facts being broadcast via TV and radio. We might have had different opinions about Watergate, Vietnam, what have you, but at least we were in agreement about the basic facts. No more. Color the days of clarity gone.

This is the chief societal problem nowadays, this confusion and chaos. We can’t have children growing up thinking that Donald Trump is still the president, that Joe Biden is faking a presidency from a movie set, or that the vaccine contains parasitical lifeforms that will either kill you or control your mind. This is stick stone stupid and it is insane. The fact that there are Republican legislators going along with this, in hopes of staying in power, is unforgiveable. But this is where we are. It’s an old saw “the truth will set you free.” Can we get these people to accept the truth or is this the new subnormal, and we’re just stuck with it?


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  1. ‘Precinct committeemen’?? No doubt they will be standing watching at all polling stations

    Shades of the Austrian vote on the Anschluss where voters are watched while they tick the ‘approved’ boxes on the ballot paper

    • This is some scary stuff. I don’t know if you read my post the other day about the 8th grader who went home and told his mother that Trump was still president. His teacher told him that. This is lunacy.

      • You have to hope that that teacher is suspended, or at least moved to a class where the kids have no clue what she’s talking about (or will laugh at her).

  2. You make a good point. At least we ASPIRED to that lofty ideal. At least that was the rhetoric. Now we’re at each other’s throats. Who knows, maybe this is better? I’ve always revered honesty and truth above all other values, maybe people are finally telling each other the truth about how they want to kill anybody who doesn’t think like them.

  3. Some person wrote u don’t meet hate with hate. U meet them with force. Unemotional calculated force. Arrest those that clearly have broken laws including Trump, & his family that has & is running criminal enterprises. Treat Bannon like fucking average people get treated everyday for contempt. Until the fucking LAW lives up to the bullshit they espouse we are going to face a level of fascism untold in history.

    • You take the hate and use it as fuel, channeling into actions that can counter what conservatives have been doing. At least that’s what I’ve done (or tried to at least) since those dark (very dark) few days after the 2016 election. I know carrying that hate will take years off my life. I don’t care. I have no wife/significant other and no kids. If in my own small way I can use the fuel my hate provides to focus on tasks that get out votes then the jarhead part of me that’s still in there somewhere has a mission.

  4. You know, for a political party to be so “you have to say the pledge”, and the “under g_d” thing, and g_d belongs on our money, and all that, they sure don’t want to walk the pledge and all-don’t want to walk the walk only talk the talk. Reminds me very much of x-tian behavior today. Very, very, much reminds me of just that.

  5. Read the new testament & no matter what analysis used by scholars, Jesus railed against the religious hypocrites & the rich who preyed on the poor. Didn’t mention homosexuality, pot smoking or abortion. Not one word. Present day evangelicals are full of bullcrap & embody everything he preached against. They no more represent his teachings than frump does as the bastion of democracy.


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