If there is an award for the political story that couldn’t get arrested, this would be it. Mike Pence is running for president and he announced that to none other than the Associated Press five days ago.

The trickle down theory doesn’t work at all in economics, but it does in journalism. And, generally speaking, if a story breaks with one of the High Holies of the trade, a first tier source, it will be rebroadcast, amplified, made much of by the lesser sources, the second and third tier sites (let’s call Daily Mail second tier) and third tier, if not much lower, would be folks like us here.

Friends, I may be but a humble blogger, but I know the ways of The  Force. The fact that Mike Pence broke a story about him running for president in 2024 with the Associated Freaking Press, and the New York Times is somnambulant and the Washington Post is comatose, does not speak well for his candidacy. HA! This was five days ago, an eon in news terms. The Chicago Tribune reprinted the AP story verbatim. Other than that — nobody gives a rat’s ass about Mike Pence running for president.

But here, take a look — and keep a copy of this by the bedside for when you need a soporific. Associated Press:

Trump’s heir? Pence reemerges, lays groundwork for 2024 run

To prevail in a Republican presidential primary, Pence may have to reinforce his loyalty to Trump while defending his decisions during the final days of the administration when the president falsely alleged widespread voter fraud, contributing to a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol. If anyone can achieve this awkward balance, some Republicans say, it’s Pence.

“Anybody who can pull off an endorsement of Ted Cruz and become Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee should not be counted out,” said Republican strategist Alice Stewart, who worked for Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign when Pence endorsed him. “He has a way of splitting hairs and threading the needle that has paid off in the past.”

That was last week and the pan didn’t exactly catch fire, shall we say? And Pence’s campaign isn’t going to catch fire, either. He’s done. The reason he’s done is because he was the straight man to the worst act ever to hit Washington. He’s never going to wash the elephant dung off him. That smell lingers. He’s laboring under some delusion that being a former vice-president is a credential — which it would be, in any other administration besides Donald Trump’s. Trump’s administration was a freak show and Pence bit the heads off chickens and that’s what it is.

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    • What is your point, that this is a massive story, of great importance and the MSM is afraid to cover it? Are you serious? If this was a story that would provide eyeballs, ratings and clicks — as anything other than the parody here — MSM and everybody else would be one it.

    • It’s more like nobody gives an eff about Mike Pence. They barely gave an eff when he was at the White House. The Invisible Man had more presence.

    • So true. There are action figures of the hair fly – I kid you not – but even that is not selling well… actually, it doesn’t appear to be selling at all and it’s still way more popular than Pence.

      • The fly is Pence’s only black friend. Say, maybe he could make it his running mate? That would be diverse. Pence would get the insect vote.

  1. Maybe that article should have said, “Trump’s hair?”, Pence not only attracts flying insects, but HIS hair never ever changes a bit, maybe it is a clever pull-on device that covers years of ass kissing … VOT? a fake vice president trying to act like a REAL president ….. he’s a LOT like a horse, able to sleep sitting or standing no matter what is going on …


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