I take back what I said about Mike Lindell being the new Rudy Giuliani. He’s vastly more whacked out than Rudy ever got, and Lord knows that’s saying a mouthful. And he does this sober. I don’t even want to think what this guy was like loaded. Take a listen to this latest installment of madness.

I don’t know about you, but I listen to Lindell for two minutes and I realize what a gift it is to be rational and in one’s right mind. Seriously.

Now here’s the catch: he doesn’t say where this opus is going to screen/stream, whatever it does. He can’t sneak it onto YouTube, Frankspeech doesn’t work, so I guess that leaves OAN to taunt the already incensed dragon which is the legal department of Dominion Voting Systems. The disclaimers should be a hoot, I can’t wait. Or, maybe OAN will be under attack from “them” too, ya spose?

This is going to be another howler. Stay tuned. And we’ll have plenty of trolls in the comments telling us how this is the gospel truth and explaining the details. Fun for everybody. I’m polishing the ban hammer and sharpening my tongue as we speak.


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  1. Frankly, the arrogance of the fascist is horrifying. They were not this had even thirty years ago. However, I would like to see this film.

  2. Why dont you watch what he has to reveal instead of sticking your head in the sand? If you are so sure he is a crack pot what would actually looking at his evidence matter? Maybe you are afraid he is right. It appears to me you are neither open minded nor smart

    • I’ve seen clips of him in the past, and if you’ve paid attention then you should know Ursula (which ole Mikey just couldn’t seem to figure out how to pronounce) posted a two hour block of his Franken-what-the-fuck” performance the other night. I watched more than just the part about this site and was rather less than impressed. Actually, like others I wondered if like so many people who’ve struggled with substance abuse he relapsed only instead of alcohol he had Fredo’s (Don Jr.) dealer hook him up with enough cocaine to keep him going for a couple of days straight. Plenty of people that I trust, and even some I’m skeptical of have looked into the charges he’s made and his “evidence” which is a mish-mash of “It’s possible that someone might have actually thought about trying to do such-and-such” and as has been noted so many times in so many places when it comes time to stand up in court and enter said “evidence” even wack-jobs like Rudy G. and Sydney Powell stopped short of alleging they had actual credible of evidence of fraud they could present to the courts. (At least without getting their law licenses revoked!) Again, even Trump appointed judges and Justices have looked at what’s been offered in court where you had better goddamn well put up and follow legal guidelines as an officer of the court and tossed the shit out.

      Lindell is simply repolishing the same set of turds and putting them in a fresh box. If he had real evidence he’d be able to find a real attorney to take it into court. He hasn’t done so. That means all he’s doing is slinging bullshit, and both Dominion and Smartmatic are going to make him pay through the nose.


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