How Florida became the center of right-wingnuttia is not known, but it emphatically is. You have the governor going up against the exiled New Yorker cum Floridian in an effort to get the GOP nomination and just Monday, another well-heeled Floridian heel, Tucker Carlson, found himself unemployed.

Now this did not bother Carlson, he wants you to know. Not in the least. He and wifey found their way clear to get into the golf cart and zoom around Gasparilla Island, where they make their home.

They’re just as joyous and carefree as the birds, doncha know?

Cheap shot time: I’m 70 and my neck isn’t deeply lined like Mrs. Carlson’s and she’s got to be 15 years younger or more. Must be the strain of watching hubby make a spectacle out of himself, night after night. You keep tensing those muscles, they start to stand out on their own like you’re a screaming victim in a slasher movie, and they just stay there.

Say, there’s a guy in Palm Beach who has an Adderall connection, we are told, and his son can get you anything you want. Maybe find some comfort there.

I’m not the only one taking cheap shots, by the way.

He is a bit red faced. Sunscreen not working or barroom tan? Both?

He looks to me like he’s screaming more than laughing. Also, he looks a hell of a lot older than he does on TV, not to mention fatter. Those makeup artists are worth their weight in gold. Damn. Gonna hire me one.

And where’s the other half of this story, Mother Tucker’s competition for Worst Phony Laugh? Why, Governor DeSantis is in Japan, part of a tour of the world he’s doing. His job as governor of Florida is titular, only, and if his constituents are fine with that, hey, who are we to quibble? The governor will miss Melania Trump’s soiree at Mar-a-Lago this eve, but from what we understand, so will her husband.

Mark May 5 on your calendar. That’s the big day of the “formal” announcement of the governor running for prez. Good luck, Florida, if anything gets done while DeSantis keeps his eyes on the big prize.

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  1. Interesting photo op. However I saw another picture of Tucker’s wife earlier today (she’s 53 btw) walking her dog with some guy who was walking another dog. A friend? An employee walking a second family dog? I ask because the dude was displaying a set of “washboard abs” and my first thought was “that sure as hell isn’t Tucker” followed by “Hmmmm. Maybe his wife has herself a boy toy!” Where’s the freaking National Enquirer now?

  2. “Mark May 5 on your calendar. That’s the big day of the “formal” announcement of the governor running for prez. Good luck, Florida, if anything gets done while DeSantis keeps his eyes on the big prize.”

    Other than the nonsensical (and extremely dangerous) culture wars crap he’s been palming off as “legislation” sent from his “legislature” and signing it into law, what EXACTLY has he really been doing FOR Florida? I guess letting Fort Lauderdale largely drown was okay since the rest of the state stayed semi-above water.


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