The self-immolation of Ron DeSantis just fired up several degrees. In the past 24 hours he’s solidified what a complete amateur he is by his “takedown” of Kamala Harris in the wake of her criticizing the newest Fantasy World version of history which the Florida Board of Education is directing be taught. Kamala Harris decided to blast down to Florida and set the record straight after DeSantis’ people revealed that a core principle of the New History would be that “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” This was in the wake of the Board of Education unanimously backing new standards for teaching Black history that would put the state’s curriculum in compliance with the Stop WOKE Act previously signed into law by DeSantis.

Harris let them have it with both barrels. Politico:

Harris gave a fiery speech — without a teleprompter — that both called out the curriculum changes and knocked Florida’s Republican leaders. Among the targets, inevitably, was DeSantis — though Harris never mentioned him by name, referring to him and other top state Republicans as “extremists” and “people who walk around and want to be praised as leaders.”

“Come on — adults know what slavery really involved,” Harris said. “It involved rape. It involved torture. It involved taking a baby from their mother. It involved some of the worst examples of depriving people of humanity in our world. How is it that anyone could suggest that in the midst of these atrocities, that there was any benefit to being subjected to this level of dehumanization?”

Harris also said, “they want to replace history with lies,” and said it was wrong to “push propaganda to our children.” She also said, “Let us not be seduced into believing that somehow we will be better if we forget. We will be better if we remember. We will be stronger if we remember.”

Stirring words. Here is DeSantis’ response, which isn’t powerful enough to stir a cup of coffee, let alone the human spirit.

I like the sexist dig in there, Harris “chirped.” The plain fact is, DeSantis would do well to have 1/10 the skill as an orator that Harris has. He’s the one who chirps, and that’s only when he stops whining for a moment.

The award for saving the day here goes to Charlie Pierce at Esquire. The man’s expansive knowledge of literature and history is what has elevated him to the top of the heap in political commentary. If you can read only one article today, read this one. Pierce starts out by saying that Florida’s new standards, “look as though they were devised by Strom Thurmond on some very good mushrooms.” Esquire:

I was particularly intrigued by the instruction that the curriculum include “acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans.” Given that the list provided by the Board is composed entirely of violence by white mobs against Black citizens — Tulsa, Rosewood, and the turn of the century race riots in Atlanta, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. — this equivocation reeks of trying to apply the standards of Both Sides Do It to racial violence. Even if you count Nat Turner, and that’s very arguable, this is a preposterous way to teach history, but it’s a great way to teach profitable ignorance. I know that first-hand, about which more anon.

The only reason I can come up with for that curious “and by African Americans” equivocation is that it might distressingly be referring to attempts by the victims of those bloody episodes to fight back. For example, the Ocoee Massacre, which occurred on election day in 1920. Armed members of the Klan prevented Black citizens from voting. A man named Mose Norman was particularly insistent to the point that the Klan and its affiliates went looking for him at the home of July Perry, a influential man among Ocoee’s Black community.

From the Florida History Blog:

The group’s leader, a military veteran and former police chief of Orlando named Sam Salisbury, knocked on the door of the wood-framed home. Perry knew they were cornered and reluctantly answered the door. The officer insisted that Perry must come with him, to which the 51-year-old replied, “Yes suh, boss, let me get my coat.” At that moment, Salisbury grabbed Perry by the arm and put him in a headlock, thinking he might run. Perry’s daughter Coretha responded by placing a rifle in the officer’s belly. Salisbury instinctively brushed the weapon aside. In that intense moment, the gun fired, shooting the officer in the right arm; he retreated out of the door and rolled on the ground to escape.

With only Perry’s family inside, a volley of gunfire erupted in both directions. Two of Salisbury’s men, Elmer McDaniels and Leo Borgard, were killed when they tried to storm the house by kicking in the backdoor. Coretha was also shot in the arm, possibly by a stray bullet from her father’s gun. Though the wound was not life-threatening, she had a scar for the rest of her life.

The story goes that the family so valiantly defended their home that some were convinced there was a large group inside. The mob retreated temporarily to get reinforcements and manpower from Klan members in surrounding cities. 

The Perry family used the two or three-hour respite to escape the house. July had been seriously wounded during the incident and fled, with the help of his wife, into a nearby sugar cane patch. While her two young brothers hid in the barn, Coretha remained in the house to tend to her injuries alone.

By the time it was over, an estimated 58 Black citizens were dead, their community centers and churches were burned to the ground, and July Perry had been lynched on a telephone pole outside a country club. Now, this would be a helluva discussion topic in a history class — the role of violence in self-defense against oppressors. Was Coretha Perry right to draw down on the cops trying to haul her father away? Of course, to have that discussion, you would have to describe in some detail the oppression against which someone like Coretha Perry was defending herself. And that would be, I guess, “woke,” and we can’t have that.

Anti-woke appears to be another term for colonialism, as the colonial mentality is first and foremost defined by erasure of the identity of the people being oppressed. Pierce goes on to cite how few African Americans know the names of their ancestors and he also tells an anecdote about how Native American Indians were shipped off to boarding schools with the admonition, “Kill the Indian, save the man,” the idea clearly being that to erase the roots and identity of the person and overlay the identity and values of the colonial oppressor, instead, was the move to make.

And Ron DeSantis wants to make that move now. He’s made that abundantly clear.

Let’s see if he’s able to sell this lunacy outside of Florida. If this is part of his campaign reset, what’s going to get him on track, in other words, I would hate to see what he would do if he wanted to self destruct. It will be a pleasure to see this little man (and I’m not talking about his physical height, I’m talking about the measure of his being) toddle off the presidential aspiration stage and into the history books — next to Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal.


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  1. I am bookmarking this article Ursula. There was a similar attack in Canton, MS. They finally got an historical marker to memorialize the racist attack, but it is located near railroad tracks in a little traveled area. Most if not all of my ancestors owned slaves, but all my family wants to talk about are men that fought in the Civil War. If you don’t mind, I would like to use this article. Thank you.

    • My dear, I think we need to take this article of Charlie Pierce’s and make handbills out of it and pass them out. Most of us have read a whitewashed version of history. I was amazed when I read about the Tulsa race massacre of 1921. I got through high school and college and then law school and never, ever heard about such a thing. It wasn’t until Watchmen went on the air a few years back that I learned about this. And if you had asked me, I would have told you I knew something about the Civil Rights movement. I didn’t know squat. Still don’t.

      • Well put my dear Ursula. Well put. We don’t know squat, and my parents always talked so highly of MLK and all he was doing, and I’m saying WHILE HE WAS ALIVE!!
        A million stories and events, big and teeny, we do not now, and likely NEVER will know. So well said, dear Ursula!

  2. There was a very good piece on DK, which talked about how conservatives have affected the minds of all of us. One issue they mentioned was teaching history without POC perspective, because of possible hurt feelings. The hurt feelings are their conscience. This would create a generation without conscience or empathy. I thought of how all the anti-black, anti-LGBTQ rhetoric sounds so much like Nazi Germany. The generation with no empathy will not be concerned by such actions at all. Just horrifying, in my opinion.

  3. Someone needs to remind Signor DeSantis that when HIS ancestors came to the US, they weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms by the existing power structure. In fact, Italians in most parts of the US were regarded little better than Black folks (they also came with that wicked “Popish folly” of Catholicism which enjoyed very little favor outside the big cities where most of “those people” congregated already). Even the previous group of “white n***ers” (the Irish) looked down on the incoming Italians with the same level of regard.
    So, for Signor DeSantis to be complaining about “woke” is particularly ironic since his own ancestors most likely faced the same kind of hatred and discrimination and bigotry that he so wants to reinstate in Florida (and America) today. Perhaps, he should maybe crack open a history book, one that features US immigration policies from 1880 to 1920. He might find that history wasn’t as pleasant as his aspirations for WASP assimilation have him believing it was.

    • You know what would be good for Ron? A Twilight Zone episode, where he goes back in time and experiences exactly what you speak of here. That’s where he would learn the truth of these matters and then we’d see what he would do differently as a politician when he returns to 2023.

      • I think maybe, the bobble head is trying to stay balanced on his big ball of self-importance, a problem in physical science for sure … Also, it IS the blinding light that takes Trump into his various experiences that tease at the line between here and now, with pure hell, which, in HIS case looms very close indeed … Trump has NEVER been able to absorb ANY educational advice or shown examples, his
        total destruction of the CDC labs that were set up by Obama to fight the next Pandemic head-on, with all kinds of protections for the Citizens already in place …
        Trump was, of course, getting back at Obama for making some remark about Trump at a dinner roast for reporters and communicators, HEY, we only lost about a million citizens to Trump’s completely stupid delays, all because his mission was about making money off of the 250,000 face masks he stole from Germany’s shipment, wanting the states to bid on them … MY god, he may NOT have been a Nazi, like Hitler, but he killed like one …

        Dumb DeSantis, some plusses for Ron, he can probably read at a Junior High level,
        He ignores local problems, especially ones he creates himself, Disney, busy keeping money flowing into Florida, has NOT YET destroyed Don with their army of lawyers, BUT that could come along at any moment … borrowed survival time does NOT seem to worry DeSantis, following his own bobble-head logic … Get out and meet the people … (THAT should scare the voters for sure) …

        Getting him to see history for real, might take a LOT of time, something about making a public fool of himself seems to be his dominant project for the near future …

      • To bad that All of the extremely racist GQP can’t be sent back in time into the bodies of slaves for a few months…or permanently!! I wonder if they would learn anything? Probably not!

  4. G_d forbid wipipo feel bad about their crimes against various and sundry groups of humanity because after all what chance do white people have in this country? They need more than anyone else just so they can make it in this country. Never mind of course that the whole f*cking country has been designed to benefit, wait for it, white people. Granted, it was designed to benefit wealthy wipipo but wtf.

    I am so effing sick of conservative whining, wipipo tears, and all the rest of the bull hockey they bring out because they want even more than what they have but want it given to them. These idiots elect people who TELL THEM they are going to stop taxing the wealthy up to and including stopping taxation that will eventually end up eliminating S.S., Medicare, and Medicaid. Then they have the effing balls to whine about how everybody but wipipo are getting it all, getting THEIR slice of the pie. What the eff these people are going to do when the con pols succeed in taking away the entire social safety net is a mystery to me. Sure hope they know how to garden I guess.


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