I’m wondering if the TV show Fargo could do a black comedy about Ron DeSantis? Perhaps I should write the show and suggest it for their Season 6. In a world of Nazi symbols and homoerotic videos, now we have a truly Fargo-esque moment, the literal dropping dead of a DeSantis aide right outside the governor’s door. And let me be clear, I’m not taking the loss of a human life lightly. I’m merely remarking that this fellow, who apparently had some kind of serious medical issue suddenly occur, had an advantage that the yous and mes do not, should we be similarly afflicted. He was in the governor’s complex. He was on camera.

But a security camera is a useless toy if nobody is watching them, right? Is anybody running the State of Florida? When you find out, let the citizens down there know, they’re wondering about the same thing themselves. Yahoo News:

Ron DeSantis aide lay “dead or dying” in a governor’s office hallway for 24 minutes before anyone came to his aide, according to a report.

Peter Antonacci, 74, died on 23 September 2022 after “abruptly” leaving a meeting of the Office of Election Crimes and Safety, which the governor had appointed him to lead two months earlier.

Mr DeSantis created the office after one-term president Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud in his 2020 defeat to Joe Biden.

At the time of his death, officials said that Antonacci died “while at work in the Capitol building, of which the governor’s office is a part.”

Now the exact location has been revealed following a public records request by the Florida Bulldog, a non-profit news organisation in the state.

“At approximately 1.46pm Mr. Antonacci is observed standing up and walking out of the conference room [redacted],” the report by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement states.

“He steadies himself on the left wall. The hall [redacted] when he falls and appears to strike his head on the door on the [redacted] (sic). There appeared to be no foul play in the Room (sic) or hallway. At approximately 2.10.05pm, FDL Comm. [Mark] Glass appears to notice Antonacci down the hallway to his aid (sic).”

I am not a medical person, but it seems on a lay person, common sense level that if anybody had been watching the freaking security cameras and saw the man faltering, that they might have saved his life.

And there’s something wrong with this picture, on that level. Security cameras are supposed to be monitored. What is the excuse for a man literally dying on camera? It would be interesting to find out.

This is not helping lend credibility to DeSantis’s reputation for leadership or even basic responsibility. This is pretty flaky and the fact that a man is dead is tragic.

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