I honestly do not know whether Ron DeSantis is the type that the average woman (with no political beliefs at all) would consider “good-looking.” But it couldn’t matter less because the same rule that applies to women applies to DeSantis. A woman can look like Rey from the Star Wars saga, and if she started talking about the need for “Don’t Say Gay” or the pernicious impact of CRT, the mesmerizing face across the table would suddenly become beast-like.

And obviously, women are smart enough (smarter) to use the same standard, especially the ever-important “educated suburban women,” who hate extremist policies that, well – deliver hate, along with black women who have seen it all and cannot be fooled. (Try. It won’t work.)

All of this leads to this tweet which makes about as much sense as Rey (In real life) agreeing to go out with me.

The fact that his wife beat cancer – good – helps DeSantis in politics? No, his wife, Casey, helps him win votes because she’s almost as diabolical as he is. She serves as his chief strategist (just without the title) and is one of the few on the campaign team that gets along with him (Presumably, though not proven). She is a very effective political operative and very smart. She is also gorgeous, and MAGA men like that. (Much more so than women take it into account).

Granted, Cryptid Politics is not a large site or organization, but with that kind of deeply intellectual analysis, spot on, they’ll grow quickly among MAGAs in today’s DeSantis-dominated world.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: MUCH LEFT ADO. 

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  1. As a woman, I find DeSatan slightly more physically attractive than the Orange Blob. He’s short to average in height, pudgy to overweight with a basically bland face. Add in his odious personality and policy and he loses everytime. He couldn’t win a debate w/ Charlie Crist, he has no chance on a national stage. No one votes for a candidate based on who their spouse is.

    • I agree! He’s bland looking before he opens his mouth and once he does open it, he gets downright ugly. I’ve been foolishly attracted to handsome men but if they are cruel or stupid or don’t have a sense of humor, I’m over the looks pretty fast.

      • The high pitched voice can be added to this list. Yes it’s shallow and nonsense but the original post made by Crytid is on the same level so why not play along. Some think the orange blob is/was handsome but I never understood that. The people I voted for this past year did not include appearance at all in my evaluations. It’s not a date but keep digging GQP.

    • I would have turned down a,date with him. He has that GOP.look: jowly, slightly pudgy but not yet obese like Fat Donny (he’ll get there; just give him.time), and that slightly melted look.like the Tuck.Fuck). And that nasty voice. I prefer men with a pleasant voice. You would think.aspiring politicians would take some voice lessons to.sound masculine and authoritative like news anchors, but nope. He could not get a job doing traffic reports in the lowest tv market.

  2. I gave up trying to comprehend women, and while we’re on the subject attraction between people regardless of the genders of those involved decades ago. Hell, while I still was trying to have a love life I blew it far more often than not when it came to figuring out whether a woman was attracted to me. Going all the way back to high school when I was overly shy and usually terrified of asking someone on a date! So basically I figure if I can’t figure out my own personal life on the subject I’m really clueless when it comes to what others think in general. Having said that I will say some people have ugliness that projects into their appearance. Sarah Hucky-boo-boo Sanders for example. And Ron DeSantis too, or so I would think the average woman would think. But what the hell do I know? He kind of reminds me of “Bobby Haircut” of Maryland, and asshole GOPer who managed to get elected Governor.

  3. Fuck his wife. I’m sure she has great healthcare while ripping it from others. U suck off a nazi, you ARE a nazi. I’m sure she stayed up late crying when he screwed those immigrant families by bussing them to his state, lying all the way, and dumped them on the Vineyard.

  4. This photo of Ron is either from 10 years ago or has been photoshopped. He doesn’t look that good or smooth these days. Beauty is skin deep, when it’s there at all. Ron doesn’t have it to start with, and then he opens his mouth. He’s just another wannabe, like tRump and all the others of his ilk. He’s here to help himself at the expense of everyone else.

  5. Men are always going on about trying to “understand women.” It’s insane. Women are not a homogenous groupp, we are individual human beings just like men (in fact, men may be slightly more homogenous.) No one will ever understand “women,” and no one will ever understand “men.” But it is possible for anyone who is capable of an open mind to understand one woman, or one man.

    If the Twitterverse has any gumption, I expect to see a flood of Tweets about various candidates, all ending in “Men love that stuff” and all absolutely ridiculous. Not that even that would get through to any man who is dumb enough to say “Women love that stuff.”

    That said, I am a woman, and I find DeSantis monstrously repulsive inevery way, including appearance.


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