Judges and courtrooms are known for being sober individuals and somber places, but not when the Trump circus is in town. A court employee was arrested and subsequently put on administrative leave after she approached Donald Trump during his Trump Organization trial this morning at the 60 Centre Street court, shouting that she wanted to help him. It will certainly be interesting to get the details on what help she was offering. We will update when that information is available.

I am just speculating that maybe, since she was a court employee, she did read something or see something that she thought could “help” Trump. But if that’s the case, this is emphatically not the way to do it.

Or, she may have simply wanted her 15 minutes of fame and she may get that — and a pink slip telling her to go find a new job.

One of the things that is interesting about the Cult of Trump is that prior to Trump these people never voted and were never involved. They felt politics was not for them. And then along comes the spray-tanned conman with his unique line of bull and suddenly the self-disenfranchised are now front and center and involved. Mike Lindell is the poster child for this proposition — and look where it’s gotten him?

Trump’s line of bull resonates with a certain kind of lost soul. He tells them that he is an outsider, too, and he’s going to stand up for them and do for them what no one has ever done. And all he’s planning on really doing is fleecing them.

So maybe this court employee is one of Donald’s very own. Maybe she’ll go work for him, now.

This is already an intriguing story. Let’s watch this one closely and see how it develops.

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    • What about the “same type of men?” Do they just decorate their trucks and motorcycles, including public address systems that blare adorations for the “spray tanned con man” (love this!) and blaring pirated country western songs? Smirk.


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