Cognitive Ability My *ss


It was just a normal day. Putin’s Poodle was yapping away in ALL CAPS at the Supreme Court and Dr. Fauci. His press secretary was standing behind the podium nodding sagely, as if she were paying attention to the questions before babbling like her boss, and GOP Governors were standing around looking for a miracle for the coronavirus like hard-scrabble farmers standing around praying for rain. And then the bottom fell out.

Trump hasn’t lost his marbles! It’s true, they’re in a little string tie felt bag in his sock drawer. Trump just couldn’t resist breathlessly letting Sean Hannity and his troglodyte viewers in on the secret that the mystery trip he made to Walter Reed Medical Center a couple of months ago was for the purpose of taking a cognitive test. And being Trump, his hyperbole stuffed statement left no doubt as to what the actual results of the test were.

This should come as no surprise to anyone. Various snippets of Mary Trump’s book have been making the rounds of the talk shows since advance copies were released. And by far the most damaging comments for Trump, at least personally, are Mary’s clinical diagnosis of her Uncle as a certified sociopath. This is not something Trump could afford to let take root, or gain acceptance.

Taking a cognitive ability mental test is not like taking his SATs. The basic test itself is simple, it consists of things like the doctor saying five simple words, one at a time, counting silently to ten, and asking the patient to repeat the words in order. Another is to give the patient 4 objects, such as balls or blocks, of different sizes, and asking the patient to place them large to small, or small to large. Another is to say a simple multi word phrase, and ask the patient to repeat it. It’s not rocket science.

Which is where Trump comes in. Trump can’t just pass a test, he has to come off as the guy who wrote the freakin’ thing. Trump had to tell Hannity that The doctors said it was incredible, they had almost never seen anyone do what Trump had just done! And that opens up a can of worms that Trump could go fishing with.

As you can see, the test itself isn’t particularly difficult, nor should it be difficult at all for a normal person. If the doctors were amazed by His Lowness’ performance, it can mean  only two things. Either Trump actually is so fucked up that based on the test results, his doctors can’t believe he’s still capable of feeding himself. Even finger food. Or, Trump came in acting so fucked up that the doctors were flabbergasted that he managed to survive the test. There is no third option for that scenario.

The funny thing is, that by publicly confirming that he took the test on his trip to Walter Reed, Trump just added another headache to his growing pile. If Trump had actually taken the test, which I doubt, and had aced it, he would have come out of Walter Reed waving that thing around over his head like the newspaper proclaiming his acquittal on the impeachment charges. But there’s a simple way to find out. We have the right to know the mental state of our President. Start watching for pretty much every news organization in the world to start submitting FOIA requests for those test results. And if Trump is in fact the very stable genius he keeps calling himself, then he should have no problem authorizing the doctors to release the results.

For the most part, covering Glorious Bleater is an aggravating, demoralizing pain in the ass. But every once in a blue moon, he tosses you the kind of gourmet cookie that marked all the rest of it worthwhile. Today is one of those days.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

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  1. He had a stroke or psychotic episode and the docs were assessing him. Based on the bragadoccio, he failed the testing. In other words, it’s a day ending in “-y”

  2. When my mother was 70 she started forgetting words, leaving the stove burners on, etc. I asked her doctor to do that same test. She passed. Five years later she couldn’t tell the difference between a bottle of cooking oil and a bottle of dish soap. Another 5 years and she didn’t know her own children. That test is worthless. It’s only good in the moment.

    • Agree. My 90yo mother (just) passed a cognitive function test less than a year ago, and was formally diagnosed with dementia last month.

    • No, Jainy Ray the MMSE for Alzheimer’s is a very good test. It it scored up to 30 points .. and a Falling score on repeat tests = Alzheimer’s ..Now Trump’s Dementia is NOT Alzheimer’s. He has inherited his Fathers #PicksDisease caused by a #TAU Protein mutation (and each of his kids has 50% chance of having it too..) He had blatant symptoms on #Inauguration Day SEE WIKI or WebMD .. the protein defect was just elucidated in 2015. So Walter Reed DOCS would need to know that. Yes, I am an MD

  3. Having worked in traumatic brain injury, psychiatry, & developmental disabilities, orangebob shitpants gives all the evidence, not only having personality disorders, but a mild stroke. He favors one side when he walks, he can’t safely use his weak side to lift a glass, & his mental capacity is clearly diminished. People who have known him for years, like Joe & Mika, talk a lot about his functional changes. This doesn’t cover his delusional thinking, which, if he presented at a psychiatric hospital, he would not be free to leave until he could consistently show no delusional thinking. If he tried, he would be involuntarily committed until such time.

    • Scott, as a mental health professional, I have transported plenty of people to crises units over the years, and you are absolutely correct: if the mental state is such that they can’t function, they are kept for observation and perhaps longer. I have been waiting (praying) for the day that tRump has a meltdown from which he cannot escape. But those around him probably would not understand what’s going on and thus would not try to get him any help. It seems like a hopeless situation!

  4. When he began his campaign for the presidency our city was the first where he held one of his “rallies”. I didn’t go but I listened to it stream on our local TV station. He couldn’t string a complete sentence together. It was just a bunch of unrelated stuff that floated out of his mouth. It has gotten worse since he has become president. I remember thinking, “What is wrong with this man?”. I didn’t vote for him based on that first rally. I thought something was very wrong with his mind.

  5. “And if Trump is in fact the very stable genius he keeps calling himself, then he should have no problem authorizing the doctors to release the results.”

    Well, in fairness, he also claims to be a multi-millionaire yet he refuses to release any tax records to back up that claim. (He made up an excuse of an IRS audit but, as far as I understand, the audit would only prevent the IRS from divulging those records to the public; Trump–as owner of the documentation–is under no such restriction. And, that audit must be some humdinger as it’s apparently been going on for 4 solid years with no seeming end in sight.)

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