Tucker Carlson’s nightly show on Faux Spews is usually literally one hour of stupid inane horseshit, the vast majority of which, while maybe good for some yucks if you have a minute or two to kill, can and properly should completely escape our attention.

But occasionally either Tucker or one of his guests shovels something that, while still horseshit, is not only stupid and inane but also toxic and dangerous.

Case in point tonight is Charlie Kirk positing that “lives were lost” in 2020 because Twitter had in place then guidelines that did not allow the spread of Covid disinformation and nude photos of someone obtained without their consent.

And of course, while Kirk was saying this, Tucker was doing his usual bit, nodding mindlessly with a stupid look on his oh so punchable face…

Yeah, I thought that is what he said, thanks for confirming.


Yeah, we had them all shut down 🙄🙄🙄

Well, that’s the one thing that DID kill people.


SpongeBob is all of us.







Could be…



If only.

And they must go to bed early.




Can you imagine owning a brain that squeezes out turds of thoughts like Charlie’s?


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  1. I cried over my Swanson frozen pile of goo watching these poor beaten down rich white men. OK I lied. I never ate those and now that I know the cash fuels lying tuck’s lifestyle, I’ll eat roadkill first. Damn. What a blizzard of snowflakes on faux. Time to get a shovel for all the horseshit.

  2. For a Party for which homophobia is a requirement for membership there sure is an awful lot of desire on their part to see Hunter Biden’s dick! Kinda makes a person wonder…

  3. I won’t disagree with the assertion that Charlie Kirk is an idiot. But why are you guys obsessed with claiming that Kirk is saying lives were lost because Twitter censored the dick pics on Hunter Biden’s laptop? I watched only the portion of the interview shown in the clip linked to in this story, but Kirk said absolutely nothing about the dick-pic censorship causing any deaths or increased difficulty for children who stutter. Kirk was clearly referring to the censorship of disinformation about COVID and treatment for it. Yes, Kirk is an idiot for making that claim, but please ridicule him for what he did say, not for something he did not say. If Kirk made the assertion in a part of the interview that was not included in the link above about dick-pic censorship causing an unknown number of lives to have been lost, then the person providing the link should have included that part of the interview in the link. Until I see Kirk saying that the lack of Biden’s dick-pics caused the loss of lives, I will not believe that he said it.


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