A large part of one's progressive bona fides is the belief no respect can be given even for conservatives who have been "never Trumpers" right from the start. Their previous views and writing over the last three decades made...
A few days ago Elizabeth Warren announced her candidacy for president with a video that explained her values and policies — pro forma for such an event. Donald Trump responded, also pro forma, which a childish insult, and the media...
My friends, I swear to God, I'm like a five year old in a candy store with a $10 bill in my pocket. There is so much information coming out since the announcement of the indictments, and so much...
Brian Turkel is a Miami-based advertising executive who is a frequent guest on Fox News. He released a scathing open letter on Wednesday declaring he will no longer appear on the network because of their coverage of the immigrant...
Here we go again. It has doubtlessly been called to Trump's attention any number of times that Jeff Sessions is not his personal attorney and that the Justice Department does not exist to persecute prosecute his political enemies. Jeff Mason...
Let's start our Saturday rime together off on a lighter note. By far and away, my choice for "Comment of the Week" goes to Chuck Rosenberg, a former federal prosecutor. Talking on MSNBC about Trump's invitation for Vlad the...
Journalists (print and talking heads) need to pursue and emphasize even better than they are now doing, a “no bullshit, objective reality education” program that this country needs. They start by designating the day that Trump sickeningly slinked down...
We are at a horrific crossroads in history, where freedom of speech and dissemination of truth are at stake. A dissident journalist known throughout the Arab world for his commitment to getting out the truth, was horrifically murdered October...
Roseanne Barr has a history of racist tweets going back to long before she drank Donald Trump's kool-aid and joined the cult. Despite that, she sees herself as a victim of both the "biased media" and prejudice against her...
First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams makes a good point when he says that the issue is not really CNN v. Trump, it is First Amendment v. Trump, and somebody is going to have to bring the suit, sooner or...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead