Brian Turkel is a Miami-based advertising executive who is a frequent guest on Fox News. He released a scathing open letter on Wednesday declaring he will no longer appear on the network because of their coverage of the immigrant family separation story.
In the letter he released on LinkedIn, Turkel referenced Ann Coulter calling immigrant children “child actors” and Sean Hannity referring to the children as part of a “rolling invasion” of the US. He minced no words as he quit from the network:
I can no longer appear on the Fox network.
I quit.
Quite simply, the position Fox has taken on our government’s policy of separating children from their parents is too heinous for me to accept.
In case you missed it, here is Ann Coulter spewing her insane conspiracy theory about child actors:
Ann Coulter on Fox News calls crying immigrant children "child actors" and looks directly into the camera to warn Trump not to fall for it.
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) June 18, 2018
Turkel does not get paid for his appearances on Fox News, but the exposure helps him market his services and gains him other paid speaking appearances. In the letter, he claims to be invited to appear on Fox on a weekly basis.
Turkel says that he has disagreed with Fox News coverage in the past, but the coverage of this latest issue has pushed him over the edge. Here are some more excerpts from the letter:
And more than one announcer has suggested that these kids are actually better off in cages than they were with their parents. One heartless commentator dared say locking innocent children away was like “sending the kids to camp.”
Accepting that this misguided policy is wrong doesn’t depend on which side of the political aisle you’re on. It doesn’t matter if you support immigration and immigrants or if you don’t. And it doesn’t matter if you believe the law — or the Bible — gives our government the right to do what they’re doing or not.
Separating innocent children from their parents and jailing them is just plain wrong.
It’s not wrong only if you’re a Democrat. It’s not wrong only if you’re a Republican. It’s not wrong only if you’re a liberal. It’s not wrong only if you’re a conservative. It’s not wrong only if you’re an atheist. And it’s not wrong only if you’re a believer. Separating children from their parents is wrong no matter who you are.
You can read the entire letter here.