It looks like it's becoming a tradition in the White House briefing room, Today's Stupid Question. If you missed John Cornyn's idiocy earlier this morning, he complained that Joe Biden doesn't produce the same kind of inane tweets, and...
For all of you who thought it a bit bizarre that Melania didn't move into the White House until June of 2017, here is a theory that fits the facts and considering the "character" of the principals involved in...
Recent revelations about the Secret Service losing texts from the day before the Jan. 6th insurrection and, indeed, on insurrection day itself, and the possibility that some of the protective detail might have been more er… protective of Trump’s...
It's yet another first in Trump world, ladies and gentlemen. Step right up and hear how a recovering crack addict conspiracy theorist pillow salesman took a meeting with the national security adviser and White House counsel, in a desperate...
Remember how Howard Hughes cracked up, living in one room with blackout curtains, surrounded by sycophants who personally prepared his food and never even handed Hughes anything unless it was wrapped in a kleenex, i.e. “insulation” from human contamination?...
Raw Story now confirms a new report that Rod Rosenstein, everyone's favorite Deputy Attorney General (everyone outside the WH), wasn't played at all, with respect to Trump and the firing of Comey. Rosenstein knows enough that it could conceivably...
On an afternoon in which I am simmering, waiting to calm down after learning this morning that "my" current president diss'd my other one (dual citizenry is cool). Trump called out one of the world classiest, most down-to-Earth Prime...
Well, I guess this wasn’t exactly unexpected. Blatant lawlessness continues. How long must we endure this? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… To receive articles of mine not published elsewhere become a patron on Patreon. Please follow me on Twitter @durrati
Everybody is all a twitter, literally, wondering about the identity of the anonymous op-ed writer in today’s New York Times, who proclaimed him/herself as a part of the resistance. Rick Wilson, characteristically, moves the discussion onto a different plane,...
What a flaming joke this is, and still, the House Republicans continue to pump oxygen into their stillborn impeachment baby, insisting that at any moment, it will stop turning blue and rise off the table and grow instantaneously into...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead