The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome I'm sure that there's some way that this could get worse for Traitor Tot, but for the life of me, I can't...
Yesterday was a watershed day in American history. The one term, twice impeached, thrice married former president became the first American president, former or sitting, to ever be charged criminally. He reacted to the news like a 2-year-old, screaming...
Donald Trump not only has a SPAC whose name is DWAC, now he wants a SCIF, from which to grift. Whut? Step lively now and pay attention. We're in Trump world, which makes Wonderland look pedestrian by comparison, and...
Allow me to start by taking you back to the beginning: In 2016 Donald Trump repeatedly said the only way he would lose is if Hillary Clinton/Democrats cheated. (Yes, he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million but...
My birthday is later this month.  I know what I want.  Pretty please, at the Aug. 28 hearing where it's already been stated a trial date will be set can I get an early Christmas present?  And, can you...
Despite what you may think after watching me spend about 7 1/2 years suffering the sins of the damned covering Trump, I am not a Masochist. I'll take pleasure over pain every day of the week. And as such,...
We are getting into some interesting territory here. As you know, lawyers for Trump met at the Department of Justice this morning, and Jack Smith's grand jury is expected to reconvene this week. So the dialogue is now turning...
Here it is folks, the ultimate in owning the libs. I looked at this and thought, "How do they see James Bond in this fat, sloppy bum?" And the answer is, they don't. But they do know it will...
Isn't it interesting how Donald Trump decided to bury the hatchet with Elon Musk. Or something. In all events, to Twitter (X) he returned, to all his 88 million followers. Interesting timing, eh what? Could it have anything to...
No Freudian slip here, this is cards on the table time, coming straight from Truth Social. So either this is what Donald Trump is really thinking, or Stephen Miller is doing a fooly on him and he doesn't know....



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead