Cartoon figures are always characterized by some exaggerated characteristic, like a huge mustache or a prop, like a silly helmet, or some unique verbal tweak they do. Marjorie Taylor Greene has them all. She is totally a character out...
I do so enjoy surveilling right-wing broadcasts. If I listen to what's going on in the real world, I hear about floods, shootings, movie premieres, inflation, the normal fodder of life. But the minute I go over to Wingnuttia,...
Right-wingnuttia operates in biblical terms. Nothing pedestrian or mundane for these folks, it's all fire and brimstone, God and Satan, the war in heaven -- and candlelight vigils waiting for the return of JFK, Jr. QAnon was already licking...
We have a tendency to dismiss certain factions of the GOP, particularly the QAnon loons, as outliers and fools and beneath our contempt. While they may be all of those things, they nevertheless have more than a toe hold...
Well, I must say, the Bat Guano On Steroids file is coming along splendidly. I just created it this morning and here's another entry and it's still afternoon. Get your tinfoil hat, I'll wait, and join me in examining...
This is what happens when you tell a really Big Lie, it just keeps growing tentacles and then the tentacles keep growing tentacles. This was obtained via a Facebook post, which has since been marked private and so here's...
Mark down today on your calendar as yet another lemming rush over the cliff for the GOP, this time by Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy is unwisely contradicting Nancy Pelosi's edict that House members and staff wear masks on the premises....
Intriguingly, the very first political blog I ever posted on the internet asked the question, "Will Trump supporters soon be drinking the kool aide?" It might have been a rhetorical question at that time, meant to provoke awareness of...
Lin Wood has a series of speaking engagements booked for the summer, all on the general themes of the Big Lie and QAnon. Now, if Wood's crowds stay this size, he'll soon be able to hold his meetings in...
Veronica Wolski died of stupidity and arrogance early Monday morning. The actual cause of death was medical complications arising from the COVID-19 virus, but make no mistake about what actually killed the woman. The virus is no respecter of...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead