Donald Trump’s thumbs must be sore, he’s had such a busy Labor Day morning, dissing everybody from Paul Krugman to The Squad. And then he settled on his favorite nemesis, the media, and guess what? They’re just making things up as they go along, whereas Trump is really doing fabulously, but nobody will report the truth — or something.

Forget about pots and kettles, this is way beyond that. Trump is the one who makes stories up out of whole cloth. You recollect his extraordinary comments about how bad the Chinese economy is doing, presumably because Big Big Donald has a hand in it? He keeps changing the stats as he goes along. Either he doesn’t remember what he said the day before, or he thinks nobody will notice. Who knows?

Dale went on to fact check Trump’s recent claims that Category 5 hurricanes are something new and unusual on the meteorological landscape.

Dorian is a metaphor for Trump’s own hurricane of bullshit. He’s the one improvising off the cuff everyday, the media is just writing it all down. As ridiculous as this is, with over 12,000 lies and counting, it’s going to get a lot worse.

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  1. He is decompensating. Some on Twitter made a big deal out of Pence’s demeanor on his way to Poland. He did look agitated and worried, though I don’t necessarily chock that up to fear of Trump decompensating. Though, the thought goes, that people around Trump are dearly afraid to leave him to himself of late.
    Jesus, how awful is it that many believe the president needs a minder?

    • That THIS president needs a minder has never been in dispute, Jason. And I agree that worry and agitation are pretty much a day in the life of anyone in this maladministration. Forget him losing in 2020…it’s a cinch that the next fourteen months alone are going to be a very trying time. Buckle up!

  2. You smell that, Ursula? That’s blood in the water, exactly the wrong kind of scent to have in this sea of sharks. He has no real power, no real clout. He can and likely will do lots of ugly, harmful things to people who never deserved such. None of that will improve his situation one iota or delay his fate by so much as an hour. Twitter is currently documenting the bleatings of a man who has lost control of everything, especially himself.

      • I think #MoscowMitch is the only person keeping Pence from 25ing Tr*mp. (I don’t think Pence could make it through the primaries on his own.)

        • Isn’t it Pence and the Cabinet that would be involved in 25ing tRump? Did we ever find out if the ‘acting’ heads of the Cabinet would be eligible to vote on this? If they can’t, we would know why tRump has settled on acting heads instead of nominating actual candidates for the posts. FUBAR from start to finish.

      • I just saw a Judy Woodruff interview with Jim Mattis on PBS Newshour. She pressed him pretty hard about his responsibility to tell the public about Our Orange Oaf. He steadfastly refused and seemed proud of that reticence.

        She even asked outright if he would tell the American people if this president or any president was not fit for office. He says “yes.” Then she pressed him, asking, “in other words you think he is fit then?” (She seemed somewhat taken back.) “No, I’m not saying that.”

        Just like some psychiatrists, feel “a duty to warn,” I feel strongly that that applies, esp. to government officials. But very few are opening up. Are they cowards, blind, or covering up?
        Whatever is the cause, their consciences should feel very heavily burdened.

  3. SO I guess he missed that book #ProofOfConspiracy by Attorney Author Seth Abramson has shipped.
    SUBTITLE How Trumps International Collusion is Threatening American Democracy
    and people are ordering Quantities for family and friends. One man bought one himself and for 94 yo WWII vet father. Another lady said she had bought 10! ..

    HE also must keep fighting the DeepThroat leaker that reported out his name as tax evader and Russian dirty money acceptor as shown in his and family’s DeutscheBank case. It’s true, ask @MCNBC @Lawrence and also Seth Abramson himself explained in thread to us why it is legally important.. eg proof of various BAD crimes for anyone but especially a politician .. w mention of NYTIMES an WaPo trying to stifle, as they have all European Organized Crime news as it’s been reported ever since Nov 29, 2018 date of DeutscheBank raid.
    So a lot of people who can read books will know a lot more soon.


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