Jennifer Rubin, conservative columnist for the Washington Post has some immediate advice for the president, get out now, with a pardon secured from Mike Pence. This morning, due to the likelihood of an impending indictment coming down against Don Jr.,...
As you know, Trump has been traveling the country talking about something called a "Space Force."  No one is sure exactly what Trump is talking about, Trump most of all, and only in part because each of our defense...
Donald Trump has had a busy week attending rallies where many of his avid supporters are either wearing Q tee shirts or holding up giant Q letters, and that has been getting lots of attention. QAnon is conspiracy theory...
Grifting is a gold rush business in the Era of Trump. Don Jr. and Eric got the ball rolling when they set out to peddle a photo op with Pops for $1Million, inauguration weekend, before Hope Hicks backpedaled it....
Imagine the Ministry of Truth on acid and that will describe the quality of revisionist history in Dinesh D’Souza’s newest movie, “Death Of A Nation: Can We Save America A Second Time” which is the story of good Republicans...
Just today, and - yes, this also qualifies as obstruction of justice in any real presidency: Trump is collapsing under the pressure. Yesterday, we saw the report in the New York Review of Books regarding Murray Waas' new report on the...
If you raise your eyebrows every time Donald Trump makes one of his truly epic gaffes, they are level with your hairline right about now. At a rally in Tampa Tuesday, Trump said, “If you go out and you...
Generally speaking, we don't "cover" Trump rallies any longer. They are not "news," they are not "important." Even if he announces that he will be having a summit with Vladimir Putin, he could change his mind in three days,...
Quite a morning, a former staunch Republican, Joe Scarborough, calls out the Republicans in Congress as functional Putin co-conspirators, and Rudy Giuliani goes on TV - why he continues to do so, is anyone's guess - and gives one...
It is nice to finally hear some people sum up where we stand as a nation, someone state some hard truths. It is nice to hear that the "R's" we stick in front of some politicians names may as...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead