OFF with their heads!   The Queen of Hearts   Alice in Wonderland I don't know what else His Lowness watched when he was a kid, but his favorite movie must have been Disney's Alice in Wonderland. Because for four long years, we had...
This is what happens when you lead with your balls instead of your brain. Putin's strategy was simple. Attack along three assault lines, take over the three largest cities in Ukraine, especially Kyiv, decapitate the Ukrainian government, install a...
On the third day, when the sun rises, look for me on the mountains to the east   Gandalf the White   Return of the King I'm not going to relitigate the horror of the Trump years here, we all know them....
Once upon  time, it was all so simple. The 2022 battle lines for the Democrats and the GOP were clearly drawn. For the Democrats, highlight all of their accomplishments in the first 2 years of Biden's tenure, less than...
Interesting undercurrent here. The world is in love with Volodymyr Zelenzkyy (one y or two?) the comedian who rose to the presidency of Ukraine. Comparisons have been drawn between Zelenskyy and Al Franken. This morning on Twitter radio host...
Here we go, day 12 of Russian war crimes against Ukraine. And the only way it could be going worse for Putin would be if his kid protested the war and got sent to the front. Putin always knew that...
God I love it when the snake eats its tail! Like it's not bad enough that Putin has made himself and Russia international pariahs by his invasion of the Ukraine, because he's a narcissistic egomaniac like Trump, he just...
Will the last one leaving Russia please turn off the lights and let the cat out? You know, if you buy the popular culture line about the KGB, it's like joining the old American Mafia. You walk in on your feet,...
I am not going to cut up old jackpots, but in several recent articles I have posited things based on my knowledge as a tactical simulation nerd, and I think that later reporting and events show I have at...
Most experts were already wondering about Putin's mental state when he decided to forego the relatively quick, easy, and safe option of sending Russian troops into the two breakaway republics to consolidate and pacify them, declare their independence, and...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead