Oh God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams   William Shakespeare   Hamlet Please spare me, we are not early on yet, and anything can happen. A...
"Who's on first. What's on second." "I don't know!" "Third base."   abbot and Costello It's little wonder that President Trump is sarcastically referred to as The Pampers President, since these days being a Republican seems to entail acting like a two year...
From where I'm sitting, reporter Devlin Barrett of The Washington Post is the equivalent of Michael Schmidt at at The New York Times. Both of them have intricate networks of sources, some buried deep, and when they speak, you can take...
How low can we go? How low is the bar that if Donald Trump stumbles out behind the podium, and slobbers his way through a purely political, self serving coronavirus briefing without uttering a profanity, or starting a race...
The basic timeline isn't all that complicated or convoluted. In late May and June, states that delayed their primaries due to the virus finally held them, with a heavy emphasis on early and mail in balloting; States that increased...
Didn’t see this posted, so.… if it has been I’ll take it down. https://twitter.com/sbg1/status/1123664293608730624 Has anybody else heard this? I trust Glasser, but this has flown under my radar. This was one of the R’s biggest complaints about Comey… ”Exoneration before investigation!” Huge win for Durbin. Nothing...
I want $20 million dollars, a bus to the airport, and a fully gassed jet with a crew!   Famous Last Words Greetings, my readers and dear, dear friends. Can we talk for a minute? I want to ask you a...
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Alex Wagner, on MSNBC just now, talking to Democratic congressman Jamie Raskin just made my heart drop to my toes. Because it was the implication of what Wagner read that is so critical. In talking to...
On one of the early afternoon shows yesterday on MSNBC, the host had two lawyers on, discussing the Trump Foundation civil charges. One of them was a long time New York attorney, and in just eight words, he described...
In dark the darkest deeds are done, and villians all flee the rising sun. Truer words were never spoken. Which is why it never ceases to amaze me when the GOP keeps trying to pull their lame ass hit in...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead