News Flash For The GOP. The World Has Changed


Oh God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams   William Shakespeare   Hamlet

Please spare me, we are not early on yet, and anything can happen. A year ago we were early on, the democratic field was still growing, and we were 5 months from the first votes. We are now 15% into the last 100 days, and every day that passes is one that cannot be reproduced on the other side. And every day that passes is one in which more and more people find the trigger that makes up their mind one way or the other, for good.

While Trump continues on in his own bad tempered little dream world, there is increasing reporting of outright panic in the west wing and the Trump reelection campaign over the current state of the race. The GOP is seeing what NBC News is, that not only has Trump lost the pivotal states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin that put him over the top, right now he is losing the key battleground states of Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina. He trails in the first NBC News projection poll 334-125, with only 79 electoral votes in the undecided column. My only question is, Why is the GOP surprised?

In their thirst for power, the Republican party neglected one small detail, mainly that in 2016. Donald Trump lost the fucking election! He got blown out by more than 3 million popular votes. It was only a gift from Vlad the Imp that put him in the White House. Knowing that, or by should have known that, Trump was faced with two options. Moderate, and make himself more attractive to new voters that opposed him, or become a one term President. Trump obviously chose the latter. Which set into motion the chain of events that we see today.

  •  On the day following Trump’s inauguration, millions of women, along with the men and children that love them, took to the streets to protest having a self admitted serial sexual predator running this country. The protests went global, becoming the largest single day protest action in history. The GOP ignored it, feeling that it was a punch of pissy women who would go back to the kitchen soon enough.
  • In 2017, Trump vapidly announced that there were many fine people, on both sides who took part in the Charlottesville disturbances. There were not. There were a bunch of goose stepping morons, and bed sheet wearing terrorists who laid siege to a peaceful city, leaving a young woman dead in their wake.
  • In 2018, a lone, deranged teenage gunman stormed into Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida went on a shooting rampage within the school walls. Trump did what he always does when confronted with personal tragedy, which is to say, nothing. Which was nowhere near enough for the survivors of the mass shootings. Being old enough, and social media savvy enough, the students started a wave of March For Our Lives protests across America, and mobilized their fellow students who were old enough to vote. This led to Florida, long considered the NRA petri dish for national gun legislation to enact gun reforms, and led to multiple A+ NRA GOP incumbents to clear out their desks. The youth vote promised to remain motivated in the future.
  • Also in 2018, the Trump administration began an inhumane policy to separate migrant children from their parents at the US-Mexico border. This was a total debacle that played out in the media for months, finally forcing the administration to reverse its course, but not before the damage was done. All women, which includes GOP leaning suburban women, love their families and children, and the Trump administration’s cold and unfeeling attitude towards migrants and their children swung suburban GOP leaning women hard towards Democratic House candidates in 2018, flipping the House.
  • In 2019, Trump continued living-high-off-the-hog 0n Obama’s successful economy, and floating more and more unpalatable programs. But then, in November of 2019, a bug names Covid-19 escaped the borders of China, and the whole map changed. This was an unknown strain, with no available vaccine, and no prepared medical treatment, and it was on the way. The world prepared for the first true pandemic in 100 years.
  • In 2020, Trump instinctively saw the coronavirus for what he honestly believed it was. A political problem that could hurt his candidacy. He saw this for the simple reason that any kind of national disruption that effected the economy would hurt his reelection chances, the economy being all he had to run on. Trump constantly  minimized the possibility of the catastrophic nature of the virus, and blew smoke up everybody’s ass about the virus magically disappearing. Trump fought a national shutdown, as European countries did to rein in the virus, and took the insane step of coercing GOP Governors to reopen their state’s economy when the virus was still on the rise. A d today we have more than 5 million infected Americans, and more than 50.000 dead. while Trump drones on about miracle cures and demon semen.

So, why is the GOP so stunned about the polling results they are seeing? It was one thing for Trump to tout the coronavirus as a bi-coastal elitist left wing problem when it was centered on the coasts, but when it started hitting states like Oklahoma, Texas,. Georgia, Florida and North Carolina, it became harder to keep the wool over peoples eyes!

When Trump ran in 2016, I honestly looked at him as a real life version of Archie Bunker, the iconic character created by the genius Norman Lear in All In The Family to poke fun at ourselves for the racist instincts of many Americans. And for a time, it appears that the country went along with that, finding him an almost lovable buffoon, a caricature of our worst national instincts.

But then the shit got real, and Trump had to actually govern, on behalf of all Americans, and the circumstances exposed him for what he really was. A cartoon character, with no substance or moral fiber. No leadership skills, and no human compassion. So again, I ask, why are the Republicans surprised by the polling numbers?

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. He told us who he was during the debates in 2016. People didn’t listen, and the media treated the tells as jokes, and focused on Hillary instead.

  2. People are constantly trying to explain why Trump does what he does. He is a joke of an human being and a clown. Why anyone ever watched that stupid game show he was on, I will never understand. But I don’t think that has much to do with his core actions. I think he was turned into a traitor back in 1987. Or maybe he was one all along and in the two weeks he spent in Russia in secret meetings he was receiving instructions.

    I think he is killing Americans because he is a traitor. Even Republicans could have figured out that if Trump had fought this virus in a responsible way he would be cruising to reelection. Hell, all he would have had to do is turn it over to the doctors. If he loses it is assumed that he will go to trial for you name it. Why would he risk all that? He thinks Putin will save his bacon? Maybe he will and we will get four more years of fascism and evil.

    Also, back in June of 2016, if he had called the FBI when the Russians came a calling and set up a sting, he would have been an hero and probably cruised to election. No, he is a traitor.

    • blueman, I agree with everything you said, except I think Putin knew tRump would never have been able to follow instructions. tRump could mess up a nightmare. Anything Putin wanted done, he’d have to have convinced tRump it was his idea in the first place. Just my.opinion!

      • Conversely, Meg, he could have made the same miscalculation about Trump the rest of the GOP did. The still-frozen assets locked down by the Magnitsky Act is money he could REALLY use right now.

    • And those are just the official numbers. Having watched TN downplay its fatality count from the pandemic for weeks, I’m sure that the actual numbers are much higher.

  3. The fictional TV character Archie Bunker was based on a boatload of very real people to be sure but it’s unfair to Archie to lump him in with Trump. Unlike ANYONE in the Trump family (and going back generations) Archie was a veteran. Of WWII. When there was a national emergency he did his duty, and put what he could towards meeting the nation’s needs. Trump and his evil spawn with his first wife (demon jizz?) are about one thing and one thing only – more money for Trump and the Trump Org. No one and nothing else matters.

  4. W…that’s why they’re surprised. They saw him get a reelection campaign to put him over the top in 2004 and they figured Trump could pull the same. It was another gross underestimation of what Trump has done to their party that they even entertained this thought, given how the Lincoln Project is full of old W boosters and image rehabilitators.

  5. “When Trump ran in 2016, I honestly looked at him as a real life version of Archie Bunker, the iconic character created by the genius Norman Lear in All In The Family to poke fun at ourselves for the racist instincts of many Americans. And for a time, it appears that the country went along with that, finding him an almost lovable buffoon, a caricature of our worst national instincts.”

    Well, it might look that way on the surface, but (thankfully) Norman Lear actually took time to create a fully-developed character whose worst features were not the be-all and end-all of the character. Archie Bunker was an ardent union member while voting for conservative politicians (IMS, he was referred to as a union shop steward at least once on the program). He was a racist but much of that racism was relatively benign (while he referred to a co-worker as “Black Elmo” to distinguish him from “regular”–presumably white–Elmo, he was genuinely appalled when he learned a group he was getting ready to join was the KKK; the show made up a group that used the same initials but weren’t actually called the Ku Klux Klan) and, of course, a lot of his racism was matched by his neighbor, George Jefferson (who proved that Blacks could be every bit as prejudiced and bigoted as whites). Of course, for all the antagonism he shared with George Jefferson (as well as George’s predecessor, his brother Henry*), he had a genuine affection for Lionel (even if it was a bit patronizing but Lionel could give as well as he got, usually zinging Archie with a barb that tended to just go over Archie’s head) and his relationship with Louise was cordial (IMS, the only time he really got upset with Louise came when Archie’s union went on strike and she brought some food that she claimed was too much for her family but Archie saw it as charity, only relenting when Edith pointed out how badly they needed the food).

    And, of course, Carroll O’Connor brought his own touch to flesh out Archie. It was one of those rare cases where pretty much any actor could’ve played Archie but it took O’Connor’s special talent to make the character as memorable as he was.

    *The whole reason for “Henry Jefferson” was that Lear *wanted* Sherman Hemsley to play Archie’s nemesis but Hemsley was busy with a Broadway show (he was playing the role of Gitlow in the musical “Purlie”) and didn’t want to leave. Lear told Hemsley the role of “George Jefferson” would be held for him until he was ready (Hemsley would finally join the show in the 4th season).


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