Look folks, I'm not about to suggest that the six (groomed by) Federalist Society F**kwads on SCOTUS are about to start actually being impartial Justices instead of being increasingly extreme conservative activists. However I read an article from Slate...
For all the discussion about the fate of our democracy the fact is that there are specific issues that are going to matter (a lot) to voters.  Practical stuff that affects their daily lives and finances and a big...
A movement does exactly that, it moves forward a specific distance, then stops. A revolution has a way of always coming back around, in your face!   Tommy Lee Jones   Under Siege Elon Musk has always been considered as a revolutionary sort of...
I don't know about you, but it seems to me in the past week there is an increasing tendency in the news to minimize Mike Pence having classified documents at home.  If not ignore it altogether.  To which I...
For years Republicans used Hunter Biden as a whipping boy, a punching bag. Because of his personal circumstances and who his father was he had to sit there and take it. Or felt he had to in order to...
Ah, the plot, or rather the cesspool that is the lair of Alabama Senator Tommy "Coach" Tuberville thickens.  Senator Tub-O-Lard has been holding up military promotions on a vast scale.  Upwards of 200 important, senior officers the last time...
Pennsylvania Senator Elect John Fetterman promised to try to bury the filibuster on the campaign trail this fall and he took a big step towards fulfilling that promise today by hiring Former Harry Reid Staffer, and sworn enemy...
Looks like New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez has really stepped in it this time. The Justice Department indicted him yesterday on multiple counts of fraud, bribery and extortion, alleging that he received cash filled envelopes, help with his...
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds has announced her state won't take part in a food assistance program for children of low-income households.  Melania is probably saying in approval n as nasty an ironic screw you for being poor way "Merry...
There has been a lot of back and forth and finger pointing as to why Ohio Governor Mike DeWine had not issued a disaster declaration on behalf of his state to insure that the Federal Emergency Management Agency could...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead