Well before his body was discovered, mass shooter/murderer Robert Card had raised a lot of questions. Why he did what he did and his access to the assault weapon he wielded with such deadly accuracy were such obvious questions...
Look folks, I'm not about to suggest that the six (groomed by) Federalist Society F**kwads on SCOTUS are about to start actually being impartial Justices instead of being increasingly extreme conservative activists. However I read an article from Slate...
Lost in the news that for the moment a govt. shutdown has been averted is that House Republicans got a provision inserted into the Continuing Resolution to block 6 Billion in aid for Ukraine. Yes, this is the work...
Chickenhawk - n. - A person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it; particularly when that person's enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; most emphatically that person's lack of came in spite of ample opportunity in...
Well, as reported by Meidas Touch Network in this article the Biden campaign has put out a brand new pro-union ad. What makes this one special is the use of well-known GOP types own on camera statements and nailing...
Looks like New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez has really stepped in it this time. The Justice Department indicted him yesterday on multiple counts of fraud, bribery and extortion, alleging that he received cash filled envelopes, help with his...
I saw a blurb about this in the news recently but it quickly faded from view.  However, when I got online this morning this article was on my homepage news feed so maybe in the lull before Trump's GA...
I'll have plenty to say in the days, weeks and months ahead but I'm feeling... it's hard to put just how into words.  But I'm experiencing a lot of mixed emotions tonight. I'm old enough (mid sixties) to have seen...
Ah, the plot, or rather the cesspool that is the lair of Alabama Senator Tommy "Coach" Tuberville thickens.  Senator Tub-O-Lard has been holding up military promotions on a vast scale.  Upwards of 200 important, senior officers the last time...
Ever since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his intention to "reform" Israel's Supreme Court (reform as in strip it of power) there have been widespread and large protests.  For a while it seemed to have worked as he "suspended"...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead