Florida Republican State Rep. Rick Roth is also a farmer who speaks to other farmers about the deleterious effect Ron DeSantis’ recently passed anti-immigrant bill is having on their community, causing migrant farm workers to flee the state and...
Donald Trump can sometimes be as slippery as a greased pig when he wants to be. Doing things like not releasing his tax returns, paying off an adult film actress in the hopes of no one finding out, and...
I don't know about you, but it seems to me in the past week there is an increasing tendency in the news to minimize Mike Pence having classified documents at home.  If not ignore it altogether.  To which I...
President Biden has issued a nationwide pardon for marijuana users. The pardon only applies to those who have possessed/used pot for recreational or medical use and since it's a Presidential pardon it only applies at the federal level. States...
No Labels is watching. And plotting. They're taking a cold, hard look at the results of the first two primary tests of this Presidential election and gaming out scenarios. Frankly, I'd mostly pushed thoughts of them to the back...
Sure there’s lots of exciting hard news, but let’s laugh at the fkkers a bit…. https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1085925626253623308 https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1085931746120687616 https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1086017504009424896 https://twitter.com/WeRTheSquirrels/status/1085927711808331777 https://twitter.com/rodgerdodger_/status/1086150720691138561 https://twitter.com/_DrDee_/status/1086027458535518208 https://twitter.com/Soddem_666/status/1085941662512238595 https://twitter.com/Revarien/status/1085936370378592257 https://twitter.com/EchoOneOne1/status/1085935646424866818 https://twitter.com/goodole312/status/1085935450701942784 https://twitter.com/MouthyOldBat/status/1085965268596203520 https://twitter.com/rhonda_harbison/status/1085929009400164353 https://twitter.com/linnydo/status/1085939180818042880 https://twitter.com/the_salty_marsh/status/1085926886818152449 https://twitter.com/durrati/status/1086243852049100805 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… To receive articles of mine not published elsewhere become a patron on Patreon. Please follow me on Twitter @durrati
Two more members have resigned from the Rhode Island Hall of Fame's Board of Directors (bringing the total number of resignations to eight) in response to Mike Flynn being named to the newest class of inductees. Due to the holiday...
By far and away the most dangerous moment for any demagogue is that moment when the peasants finally stop giving a sh*t. They keep ignoring the simple fact that there are always more of them than of yours, and when they all show up, you're...
There has been a lot of back and forth and finger pointing as to why Ohio Governor Mike DeWine had not issued a disaster declaration on behalf of his state to insure that the Federal Emergency Management Agency could...
Clay Bennett, of the Chattanooga Times Free Press, published the above cartoon in 2012, warning of what would become of our country if Mitt Romney were elected with a Republican Congress to work with. With Alabama, Georgia and Ohio targeting...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead