I think that we can all agree that the second impeachment trial of one Donald John Trump has been a blowout. The House Impeachment managers have been brilliant. If this was a criminal trial, any defense attorney would be...
(Above -Â Jim McGovern(D-Ma)
Jim McGovern, chairman of the powerful House Rules Committee (sometimes known as “The Speaker’s Committee") today came out in favor of impeachment of the mango miscreant. This could be a significant indication of movement on the issue...
If Chairman Jerry Nadler and the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee are finally serious about impeaching the Orange Menace they might want to take a look at what the Republicans did in 1998 when they impeached President William...
This is indeed a low ebb for this country when an outstanding military officer like Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman chooses to resign his military career due to the petty viciousness of Donald Trump and cadre. Vindman has been up...
Now this is not the end. This is not the beginning of the end. This is the end of the beginning.  Winston Churchill
No Winnie, actually this is the beginning of the end. One way or the other. July 17, 2019. 9:00...
He got a Lincoln Continental, he got a El dorado too  Bad, Bad Leroy Brown  Jim Croce
You know, for a long time, I considered progressive billionaire Tom Steyer to be more of a curiosity than anything else. Steyer hopped...
Ok, so the whole impeachment of Biden process is sleaze. So has been the preceding nonsense in Comer's House Oversight and Jordan's Judiciary Committees. However, after breaking his promise (was anyone surprised?) about process and having a formal House...
Constitutional law expert Laurence Tribe says that Nancy Pelosi is unclear about what the constitution says about impeachment and need not worry about the "stonewall" of Mitch McConnell and the Republican-controlled Senate, who continue to "shirk their duty." Listen...
Jason Villalba is a fourth generation Texan of Mexican descent. He was primaried and defeated for re-election to the office of State Representative from District 114 in Dallas County in March. He has always opposed Donald Trump and for...
In war, two mistakes are not permitted  Russian proverb
Well, as Maureen McGovern once sang, "There's got to be a morning after," and for Democrats, the morning after Mueller is here. Fortunately, it's not the morning after in an apocalyptic movie, where...