You don't need to go to Pyongyang to see state television. No, sir, just turn on OAN and you'll see the talking heads there outdo the best of the pink kimono lady. She could learn a thing or two...
It is a sad and sorry day when lawmakers can't vote their conscience without fearing for their physical safety, but this is the day we have arrived at. When an armed mob lurched to the Capitol chanting "Hang Mike...
I'm going to go back to my first theory about what happened to Lindsey Graham, which was alien mind control. Seriously, hear me out. Just look at this clip. Chris Wallace asked Graham to opine whether Nikki Haley was...
A former US Navy helicopter pilot and former federal prosecutor, Rep Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) speaks of mob violence from a position of professional knowledge. Her battlefield experience and legal expertise equip her with insights and judgment that bring a keen...
This is some week. A year ago this week was the beginning of Donald Trump's first impeachment trial. A week ago today was the bloody insurrection at the Capitol. A week from today, Joe Biden will be our president. So...
Spin the ethics of this around in your head for just a moment. Imagine a world where a senator is tasked with being a juror in a case where his best golfing buddy and boss is accused of making...
Maybe Kevin McCarthy is breathing a sigh of relief right now, that Donald Trump won't primary him. Since Trump was "livid" at McCarthy and threatening to primary everybody else, we can reasonably infer that. In all events, McCarthy and...
There was a time not so long ago when a freshman senator would never have shown disrespect for a governmental procedure as serious as impeachment, let alone open contempt. But that day and age is gone and in February,...
The West Wing is reportedly already a ghost town, filled only with a few staffers who avoid Trump like the plague. Apparently that's not difficult, since he rarely goes to the Oval Office any more, he just watches TV and fumes,...
Donald Trump came out and peacocked after the acquittal vote in the Senate, 57-43, not surprisingly. Richard Burr provided an unexpected "yes" vote along with Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse and Pat Toomey. Good...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead