File this under “some days you eat the bear, some days the bear eats you.” Three groups representing minority students, The Chica Project, the African Community Economic Development of New England, and the Greater Boston Latino Network, have filed a...
We get the government we deserve In this country electing a government, whether state or local, is a crapshoot. Mainly because, for a democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people, we are some amazing lazy mofo's. Rather than...
Shawn McBreairty is a member of the far right “Maine First Project” who made a name for himself (and garnered appearances on the Fox News shows of Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham) by being banned by the Bangor Maine...
‘It’s a conspiracy’ DeSantis appears to be saying in response to numerous press reports asserting that a biographical book about late, great beloved baseball player Roberto Clemente is being pulled from some school shelves. DeSantis, in his remarks, seems to...
Donald Trump has draconian ideas about how the nation's public schools should be run and how students should be taught. Oh, and he also has some bad ideas about how teachers should be credentialed. He said as much on Truth...
Realizing that the New Democratic composition of the Michigan Legislature would upend their plans to circumvent both the voters of Michigan and Governor Gretchen Whitmer, backers of the anti-public education/school voucher voter initiative Let MI Kids Learn chose to...
Just another normal day in America. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining, except where it's snowing, and in California an apparently repressed QAnon/MAGA teacher could stay silent no more. She went bonkers in the classroom and taught right-wing...
Ted Cruz envies Donald Trump. That's not new information. He envies the fact that Trump can be a complete jackass and he's loved by the MAGAs, whereas Cruz is naturally a jackass and he's loathed for it. Poor Teddums. Cruz...
We live in a world of book banning, book burning and smut-hunting illiterati stalking the halls of libraries that they would never have entered for the purpose of reading or study, but will to harass and censor. Yes, the...
The election of Donald Trump was a backlash against the first Black president, among other things. Likewise, so is the regressive political agenda that we now see in this nation, manifesting at the grass roots level of school boards...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead