We get the government we deserve

In this country electing a government, whether state or local, is a crapshoot. Mainly because, for a democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people, we are some amazing lazy mofo’s. Rather than go to candidate forums, go to a website and read a candidates position on issues, or tune into a debate, we’d rather watch Barney Miller. For a lot of people in this country, their political awareness boils down to party affiliation, canned 30 second sound bites, and mass mailers and e-mail blasts for cash. And whichever one is cutest, or the most down home, or reminds you of your Uncle Larry gets your vote.

And almost invariably, six months later you’re sitting there, surveying the carnage, and thinking to yourself What an *sshole! But by that time it’s too late, because other than congressmen, elected state and federal officials serve four year terms. And nine times out of ten, when reelection time comes around, hell, he may be an *sshole, but at least he’s your *sshole. And back he goes for four more years.

And it’s stunning to think of the vast carnage that one rogue *sshole can inflict in four years. Because the vast mushy middle of the American voting public did a Brigadoon, and sleep walked their way through the 2016 election, this country will spend the next 15-20 years trying to undo the social upheaval of the three Supreme Court Justices that the *sshole rammed through. And now the same criminal ex President is running for four more years with which to complete the dismantlement of American democracy.

And nowhere on a state level is the situation ore dire than in the state of Florida. Hell, if you walk into a medical school lecture hall for proctology, there’s a picture of Ron DeSantis sneering down at you from the wall. When it comes to colons, you could navigate the Starship Enterprise through DeSantis.

Like Trump, DeSantis feasted on older, lower educated, scared, racist white and Evangelical voters by promising to turn the clock back on the brown invasion. His campaigns were like a laundry detergent commercial, Makes whites whiter, and makes colors brighter! And the simpletons fell for it. Twice. Never once thinking about the long term ramifications of their decisions. Not so much on themselves, but on their kids. 

I wrote a couple of paragraphs ago that it will at least a generation for the US to undo the harm caused by the runaway Roberts SCOTUS engineered by Leo Leonard, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump. But it is going to take the state of Florida even longer than that to clean up the mess that Ron Pissantis has pissed around, like a dog marking its territory once he’s out of office.

Because Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is willfully and malignantly setting out to raise at least one generation of functional imbeciles. In spearheading his anti WOKE agenda, DeSantis zeroed in on the one part of government where the constituents were most vulnerable, and the immediate, near term, or even intermediate backlash would be least likely to come back at him. He went after education, because his pathetic lower education, scared, racist Evangelical voters are all in on state sponsored indoctrination when it comes to blacks and the LGBTQ community. Just by the way, read state sponsored indoctrination as 1930’s Nazi Germany style state sponsored propaganda.

In the last five years, trying to burnish his street creds in the GOP for a 2024 presidential run, DeSantis has embarked on a lap poodle legislature approved crusade to stamp out anything that isn’t lily white. For this article I’ll stick with his educational atrocities;

  • DeSantis rammed through a controversial Don’t Say Gay law that prohibited both students as well as teachers from k-3rd grade from even mentioning either their alternate lifestyle parents, or their own preferences. Teachers can be fined, sued or fired for violations. The Evangelical crowd has so many nocturnal emissions that DeSantis expanded it through 8th grade
  • DeSantis used his office to pressure the college board to change their criteria for the subject of Africana Studies for the upcoming year. Some references like BLM were deleted, and other black activism references were softened to meet DeSantis’s white bread criteria. The college board squealed like stuck Irish pigs that DeSantis had not influenced their decisions, their professional academic board recommended and approved the changes, but rose fertilizer still smells like bullsh*t
  • DeSantis took his show up a notch and f*cked with the acceptable curriculum for college courses dealing with racism and black activism, and threatening professors and instructors with suspensions of termination
  • DeSantis loaded the board of an independent, liberal leaning state university with loyal hacks, who are busy dealing with the WOKE culture in the curriculum. At last count, both students as well as teachers were voting with their feet
  • The DeSantis Florida School Board just voted on and approved changes to the middle school and high school curriculum that means that middle school students will be taught that slaves received valuable personal and job skills for self enrichment while being beaten and chained together. And high school students will learn that both whites and blacks committed murder during white race atrocities in the early 1900’s. Sorry, but from where I’m sitting, beating some *sshole coming at you with a knife or gun with an axe handle isn’t murder. It’s called self defense 

In trying to cater to his racist, scared, white Evangelical base for purely political reasons, Pissantis is creating an educational disaster that is going to take at least a generation to fix once his runt ass finally leaves office. And there’s two disparate cause-and-effect problems he’s created, shot term, and long term.

First the short term. Former Florida GOP congressman David Jolly is a 7th generation Floridian. He also has two young children, and as a result, he’s leaving Florida. He doesn’t want his children to grow up in a universe where they’re indoctrinated instead of educated, and where grammar school students are taught that it’s perfectly acceptable for grade school children to discriminate against other grade school children simply because of their race, or their parents lifestyle choices. Other Florida families are bailing simply because they don’t want their trans children being denied necessary medical treatment by the state simply because they are who and what they are.

It would take a whole ‘nother article to list the number of quality universities in the Florida state system. Florida, Florida State, Miami, Central Florida, Florida Atlantic, and South Florida to nae a few. And all of them share one thing in common. They’re all NCAA powerhouses in either football or basketball, sometimes both.

Which means one thing, recruiting. Major universities live off of the television revenue and alumni donations for keeping their sports programs national powerhouses. But on reality, a large numbers of athletes being recruited are black, mostly lower income. And when a college recruiter from Florida comes to call, and the African American student they’re courting finds out that the best professors are voting with their feet, and that the Africana Studies curriculum is white inspired propaganda, what do you think the recruitment chances are? And when the teams tank, so do alumni contributions, as well as television revenue. Major Florida universities stand to lose millions, if not billions under DeSantis’s idiotic craven political agenda.

But it’s the long term damage that is more tragic, and may not even be able to be fixed. Starting next year, with his stupid anti WOKE curriculum, DeSantis is literally trying to create an entire generation of functional idiots. A civil rights advocate on MSNBC put it perfectly earlier today when she said, I bet if anybody asked Ron DeSantis, he was never taught in school that slavery was a good thing, and that blacks committed race atrocities. And he’s the Governor of Florida.

DeSantis if purposely dumbing down the children for his ideological white agenda. He is trying, intentionally, to create a new generation of poor white trash, not necessarily for his own political benefit, but by creating the next generation of poor, undereducated, scared white voters for the GOP to harvest. And that should be a crime against humanity.

Let’s just say that a kid brought up through the DeSantis Florida school system doesn’t want to go to FSU, or USF, he or she wants to go to Michigan State. If the entrance exam has any black history questions, that kid is going to fall on his or her face. And even if they get in, their personal opinions, brought on by years of school indoctrination are going to make them pariahs among their fellow students, who got untainted educations on race and history.

This is a true American tragedy. Not only Ron DeSantis, but Sarah Huckabee Sanders, along with other GOP dominated legislatures and school boards are literally trying to rewrite American history, not only to salve the ravaged feelings of their poor, racist white base, but in order to literally create a future scared white underclass to keep them in power for another generation. There’s a special place reserved in hell for soulless ghouls like this, and it’s between the elevator, and the noisy ice machine. Rot, you bastards.

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  1. Absolutely nailed it. “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” (Adolph Hitler)

    I think our problems might be solved if we made voting hard to do. Before anyone could participate in government, either as candidates or electors, they would have to demonstrate a thorough understanding of science, mathematics, language, economics, civics and history. Those who pass a rigorous test would get to run for office and vote. Say goodbye to most GOP candidates and virtually all MAGA voters.

    Call it meritocratic democracy. Competition would ensure its success.

    • You’re not wrong Roger. Your solution however is subject to abuses-we just have to look back to the recent era when Jim Crow was the law of the land in the south. Also, the ‘pube party is quite busy, right now, dumbing down the population in the states they control so that isn’t going to help matters. A dumb population would result in an even lower voter turnout and the only ones able to vote, and attain office, would be the wealthy ones able to send their children to schools that actually instruct, factually instruct, students. Wealth does not give us good citizens or at least it doesn’t do this anymore. Take a look at what holds the wealth in this country and I ask you: do you really want that deciding who wants to run for office and who attains office? I sure as all get out do not. The thought of people like musk, zuck, the sacklers, etc. making our decisions in entirety is a vomit-inducing nightmare.

  2. A hundred years ago, John Randolph Neal (the fired UT professor who led the defense during the Scopes Trial opined that The question is not whether evolution is true or untrue but rather involved the right to teach, or more importantly the right to learn.

    The problem then, which has never gone away is what to teach and when. It’s easy to say only teach facts and the truth but it’s never been quite that simple. I never had kids but I can see how those who have can reasonably question at what age it’s appropriate to teach certain things. For the record, even for what many consider awkward or uncomfortable stuff like race or human sexuality I believe in a “the sooner the better” approach. Some might and in fact do disagree. But even very young kids see things that even if they don’t fully understand them still make them wonder. For example the lower middle class or poor white kid who is taught from the time they can remember that black people are all inferior, that they are stupid, nasty and smelly etc. Only to start school and be sitting with black kids who know the answers to teacher’s questions, or learn lessons faster than they do. And don’t smell, and have clean and nice clothes. Yet when they go home and ask their parents get punished for “questioning” “facts.” The same can be true for the black and brown kids, sometimes raised from the beginning to believe that every white person looks down on them and can’t be trusted. Only to get to school and find that while that might be true with some white kids, there are others who treat them better than many other folks on their street or neighborhood.

    And sex? Whew! I young kid doesn’t have to grow up on a farm where seeing animals mating is common to have some ideas on that subject! And sometimes even at kindergarten age it’s clear that there can be kids who are “different.” As it happens my mom’s brother was gay and while at a very early age I didn’t really know what that meant it was made clear to me that unlike other adult males the reason he didn’t have a “wife” was because of his “friend” Fred. and that they were “together”, whatever the hell that can mean to a kid that’s four or five years old but I quickly was made to understand they took care of each other instead of having wives. So I had a head start I guess on my classmates when it came to one classmate who well before we were done with grade school we all knew was gay. Looking back it was unfair to both us and him that such things weren’t talked about more and I can easily understand why he couldn’t wait to get the hell out of our small hometown. Less than a week after h.s. graduation he was in a used car and headed to San Francisco. I never learned how life turned out for him but by that point I got why he wanted to go live there because even in the mid 1970s it was a place that had enough others like him that he’d have a support network he could only dream of back in our town.

    Now the issue is gender and gender identity. We got taught in science/biology about chromosomes and that women were XX and mean were XY and that was that. Except it’s not and never has been. There are variations on that, extra X or Y or variations from the norm on either that make things complicated. Kids can and do grow up confused, and since that’s the case how are other kids supposed to understand?

    So again, I’m for a more and sooner approach so that kids are at least introduced to the concept that things are quite often not so simple and straightforward as they might seem. I believe it fosters tolerance and understanding. I also know that many adults/parents are uncomfortable as hell with all this and will furiously deny anything outside what they consider “normal.” And worse condemn it and teach their own kids to do so.

    I think if you look back through history advances in learning and knowledge have at times overwhelmed folks and there have been backlashes against advancement. We are living through such a time right now. Given how short a human lifespan is in historical terms it’s tragic that so many have gone through a lifetimie of the kind of turmoil, the fighting back and forth about these kinds of things that we’ve been seeing.

    As I often say, the human species isn’t evolving anywhere near quickly enough.

    • “the human species isn’t evolving anywhere near quickly enough” – Amen, brother. I deal with humanity’s batshit ignorance and resultant abject hypocrisy every damn day. It’s exhausting!

  3. Murf, trump did not “engineer” the asininity that we call our supreme court. He was a useful idiot used by those who did engineer this obscenity, nothing more. I seriously doubt trump can engineer anything up to and including wiping his a$$ss.

  4. It might very well get worse in Florida and other red states. Schools and even universities will teach: climate change is a hoax (despite the very real evidence we’re seeing this summer); vaccines don’t work and are dangerous; evolution isn’t real; etc. And who knows what crackpot “theories” will be taught in the social sciences? There are private religious schools and colleges that are already on this path.

    • O know of one such college, Hillsdale in Hillsdale MI. One of my sons is The reverend there. He thinks I am dysfunctional. ::chuckling:: And he has outright refused to preform same sex marriages. I actually feel very sorry for him and his family that they feel this way.

      • I have performed several same sex marriages. They are the same as not same sex marriages. The rituals are the same. The words are the same. The blessings are the same. People just want to share their love. That is all.

  5. fwiw 30 of the top 50 college football recruits are leaving florida to play in other states. For those of you educated in florida, that is more than half:)

  6. Thanks MURPHY .. did you all see .. this on JAG DeSantis being one who authorized and watched force feedings at Guantanamo..
    it is transcript of VICE documentary never aired. #VICE DeSantis Guantanamo Torture DOCUMENTARY .. transcript obtained.


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