Just another normal day in America. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining, except where it’s snowing, and in California an apparently repressed QAnon/MAGA teacher could stay silent no more. She went bonkers in the classroom and taught right-wing talking points as the truth — starting with the revelation that Donald Trump is still president.

This is pretty bad when a kid is so confused that he doesn’t know who the president of the United States is. That’s a basic question that they ask psychiatric patients to see how grounded they are in reality. And this poor 13 or 14-year-old kid is in crisis over something this fundamental, not knowing whether to believe his teacher, the TV set, his parents, who.

The “teacher” needs to leave the profession. That was beyond an error in judgement. That was a deliberate attempt to indoctrinate her students with false information. I think the only error in judgement was that she believed that she would somehow get away with it. She didn’t realize that the blowback would be what it was, which I find surprising, especially since this is California. She might have had a shot at it in rural Mississippi.

Another day with the new subnormal. But play this game with yourself just to get this in the proper perspective. Who was president when you were in the 8th grade? In my case it was Lyndon Johnson. I cannot imagine the history teacher telling me that somebody else was still president (who? JFK?) and going home and informing my parents of this. Think about it. Although the look on my father’s face would have been one for the ages, that much I can guarantee.

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  1. IANAL, but I think the parents should sue. Of course, the teacher needs to be fired. Like you said, an error in judgment doesn’t begin to address what was done here.

  2. So they just moved out the kids she ranted at and gave her a new class to do the same thing? That teacher needs to be fired. I once had to send a graph to my son’s 8th grade teacher showing that most of federal spending went to the military and the whole war machine, Not the “entitlement” programs she claimed were sucking up all our tax dollars. I was furious because she was bringing her republican lies into the classroom and indoctrinating my son.

    • A lot of 8th grades, being middle schools, have multiple teachers. This one would probably be a social studies teacher, but could be something else.

  3. I know Ventura county likes Rs (it’s kind of purple), but I find it hard to believe the district will keep this teacher around past tomorrow. You don’t bring your personal views into the classroom!

  4. This actually happened a couple of days ago, and the teacher apparently has been disciplined, though I’m not seeing any stories from the Ventura newspaper.

  5. Funny how this teacher will be hailed by the right-wing but when a teacher has a Pride flag in her classroom, the same people will call for her head for “indoctrinating” their poor widdle kiddies.

  6. I spent 30 years as a school counselor. This woman should have her license revoked and be fired on the spot. No apology would ever be enough to reverse the damage she has done to these middle schoolers AND their families! ?

  7. I’m not sure whether it was Johnson or Nixon. Right on the line. But I do know we were engaged. We had history and social studies in class. All this crap will come to a head. I hope it goes left because the right is to stupid and greedy to actually run the country and will tank us in no time at all.


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