New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-Screw You, Trump) drew a line in the sand after Donald Trump threatened to gut federal funding for "lawless" and "anarchist" cities that "fail" to curb violent protests. Cuomo said that Trump is "persona non grata"...
Well, that didn't take long. Admit it, you've been waiting for Republicans to blame Democrats for Trump catching the hellbug. You didn't have to wait long. Meet DeAnna Lorraine, a gibbering idiot who makes her living blathering bullshit for Newsmax,...
Look, I'm not going to waste a lot of time, or a whole lot of words. You all know me by now, and I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. You all already know that Teri and...
I've been rich, and I've been poor, and believe me, rich is better   Sophie Tucker After you follow politics for a while, you tend to become almost numb to the craven, almost cowardly Neil-and-Bob that the GOP does to keep...
Out damn spot!   William Shakespeare   Macbeth Hi New Hampshire, remember me? I few days ago I sent you guys a little love and commiseration about Saturday being your turn in the barrel. But I just learned something new, and now,...
Drivin' for Jesus., Drivin' for Jesus. Makin' ALL the lights!   George Carlin Today's look at the Coronavirus Dashboard on MSMURFBC is brought to you by TrumpDiva, the world's first shit flavored laxative, because Trump supporters will swallow ANYTHING It's only getting worse,...
I can't decide whether the Trump era can best be penned by George Lucas or William Shakespeare. The black and white simplicity of the war between Good v. Evil is Lucasinian, but the sheer depravity and complexity of how...
This article is actually the companion article to the one I posted a couple of days ago, about Donald Trump being the Angel of Death. Personally, I had a strong feeling that I was putting at least a couple of...
These powerful campaign ads are likely going to be our salvation. This one in particular should be effective in red states, where COVID-19 is spiking and even prominent Republicans like Dick Cheney are telling everybody to wear a mask. Today...
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose   Kris Kristofferson   Me and my Bobby McGee Thank you President Biden! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I've been waiting for you to do this for three long months! Biden ran on bringing...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead