First of all, you have to get the ground rules for what you’re about to see. When you do that, it will all make a kind of deranged sense. Ron DeSantis is utterly convinced that if he wins the Iowa Caucus, that that will somehow catapult him to the GOP nomination. Do not ask me where he’s getting this from. As you well remember in 2016, Ted Cruz won in Iowa and then thoroughly washed out after that. If 2016 is too far back to remember, let’s do 2020. Joe Biden did not win in Iowa but things turned around dramatically in South Carolina.

Iowa is not the end all and be all — except to DeSanctimonious, as Trump calls him. So bearing that in mind, take a look at the lengths that DeSantis is going to to win, and Trump is going to, to beat him in Iowa. The video you’re about to see is a Team Trump video, trashing DeSantis, and you won’t be able to tell the difference between it and one of ours.

Maybe on Planet 10, or in the 8th Dimension DeSantis is going to be the next president of the United States but I don’t see him even finishing second in the GOP primary. I believe that dubious distinction will go to Nikki Haley and all that Koch money.

So, great, Casey, the kids were throwing snowballs at 6:00 a.m. and now they’re sleeping in the car while it snows. Did you leave the heater on? Say, you didn’t leave the kids in the car and the engine running, while the car’s in a garage, now did you?

Who knows? I hope Casey can find the car and the kids. Now the fixation on Iowa doesn’t stop there. Oh no. It gets worse.

Great, let’s put the Washington Monument in Chuck Grassley’s cornfield. I’m all for it. This is starting to remind me of Mike Lindell, this level of monomania that leads to one’s self-immolation. Ron, Ron, Ron, there’s Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and then the states out west. Iowa does not sew up the deal. If it did, our political landscape would look very different nowadays. We might have had Ted Cruz in the White House for four years followed by Pete Buttigieg as the current incumbent.

Maybe the problem is that Nikki Haley is leading Ron in New Hampshire, not to mention South Carolina. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to think about those places.

But what about the fact that Trump is leading all of them, everywhere? That’s just something that DeSantis is going to waltz past, like it doesn’t exist?

Actually, this level of desperation reeks of Kevin McCarthy more than it does of Mike Lindell. Lindell and DeSantis are soul mates on the delusion level, but on the desperate, soul-selling level, DeSantis is a perfect clone of Kevin McCarthy. And we all know how that worked out for McCarthy.

Now it’s worth noting that DeSantis has this mad obsession about being president, but the fact is glaringly evident that he’s doing a horrifically bad job of running Florida right now. Car insurance, homeowners insurance, jobs, all kinds of things have gone completely south on DeSantis’ watch. Disney is the state’s largest employer and you know how DeSantis managed to wreck that relationship.

And DeSantis is oblivious to this. He’s also oblivious to the fact that he’s 40 points down in his home state, which Gavin Newsom reminded him of during the Fox News debate a few days ago.

He pays no attention to anything but Iowa, the siren call of Iowa. Iowa is going to work some magic spell for him. The plain fact of the matter is, he might wind up placing third, with Trump out front and Haley in second place.

What will happen if Trump takes Iowa, Haley takes New Hampshire and Debbie Does Dallas?

  1. DeSantis will suspend his campaign?
  2. DeSantis will insist that South Carolina is the key, rinse and repeat?
  3. DeSantis will pull a Ted Cruz at the GOP convention, except he won’t get booed, he’ll get laughed at?
  4. DeSantis will attempt to launch a massive write-in vote?

This s going to get weird, My spidey sense, not to mention common sense, tells me that this is about to get very very weird. There is something very wrong with Ron DeSantis and there is obviously something colossally wrong with his campaign. It’s only a question now of which one collapses first.


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  1. Ron won’t quit unless Casey says he can. She won’t quit till she’s the reigning queen of the new Republican Camelot.

    They’re both horrible and horribly boring in front of a microphone. She seems to think that the minutiae of their lives makes her/them relatable. Nah.

  2. “Ron DeSantis is utterly convinced that if he wins the Iowa Caucus, that that will somehow catapult him to the GOP nomination. Do not ask me where he’s getting this from. As you well remember in 2016, Ted Cruz won in Iowa and then thoroughly washed out after that.”

    I guess it’s just because it’s the more recent event (since Trump wouldn’t allow any GOP presidential primaries in 2020) but Ron Paul won Iowa in 2012 (and was the theoretical front-runner delegate-wise until the Florida primary which Romney won) and Mike Huckabee won Iowa in 2008. In fact, the last time a non-incumbent GOP contender would win Iowa and then go on to win the nomination was back in 2000 when Dubya won the state.

    So, if Trump doesn’t win Iowa but he gets the party’s nomination, maybe the GOP will reconsider Iowa’s importance in 2028 (assuming, of course, he doesn’t win the general election next year so he can set himself up as dictator-for-life).

  3. Moving the Dept. of Agriculture to IA ought to really please Nebraska, Illinois, Indiana, ND, SD, CO, …let’s see now, what other primarily agriculture states…Oh yeah, CA, MT, FL, MS, AL…..Were I an ag producer in any other state than IA, I’d be less than pleased with this info.

    One thing these ‘pube panderers forget is if they put some agency H.Q. in one state, 49 other states might be asking “why not here?”

  4. With the RW, it’s not about what they can do for “their” Country, it’s all about what they can do for “themselves!” RW are EGO-maniacal, greed-driven & unfit to GOVERN the USA!

  5. Re:,Disney Fude

    I f you retaliate against a company for merely being mildly critical of your policies,it is not smart to boast about bringing Disney to its knees at your rallies, brag about it in your book ( not too.much damage since his fans don’t read), and give the same deal you took from.the third largest employer in your state to a competitor that didn’t criticize you. When you do.this, you pretty much write the complaint for your enemy. In fact the first 20-25 pages in their lawsuit filing is nothing but quotes from.your speeches and book.


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