We can’t say we didn’t know it was going to be wild today, although this unconfirmed rumor of a bomb threat is something new in the mix.

Ron Bonjean is a former McConnell spokesman, so he is more credible than just some guy off the street.

The tweeter here is a reporter for right-wing The Blaze. Be that as it may, he doesn’t approve of the violence, obviously. This is sheer madness, zero question of that.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has returned to the White House by motorcade and is doubtlessly enjoying the show. What does he care if people get arrested, hurt, maimed and/or killed? It’s all in service to a good cause, right, namely him.

This is what happens when you have a sociopath ginning up the lunatic fringe for fun and for profit. If this is what winning looks like, I don’t want to know what abject failure might appear as.

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  1. “This is what happens when you have a sociopath ginning up the lunatic fringe for fun and for profit.” Are you sure thats not psychopath? Maybe both? Might be time to arm the National Guard and send them in to put a stop to the seditious traitors!

  2. The last chance to be this level of violent, disrespectful and dangerous before that avenue is closed forever. Is there anything more pathetic than a pack of white people wasting their time on something that won’t mean a damn thing in a couple of weeks?

  3. ‘ Ginning up the lunatic fringe for fun and FOR PROFIT.’

    Just HAS to have some consequences.

    The world is watching, (and waiting anxiously).

    Let’s not forget, he’s MAKING MONEY off this chaos and insurrection.


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