Breaking: Trump’s ‘Big Announcement’ Is That He’s Suing Twitter and Facebook


Donald Trump loves to hype and tease his every move. Therefore, he’s going to be really miffed when he finds out that it leaked out that his “big announcement” which everyone has expected would be an announcement of his own social media platform, is actually an announcement that he’s going to sue Facebook and Twitter.

Good luck to him. This territory has already been gone over.

If you break the rules that a site sets out, and Trump regularly pulverized both Facebook’s and Twitter’s, you can be banned. They don’t owe you the use of the platform.

Maybe Trump has got some unique spin on the law in this area. Or, maybe it’s going to be another futile exercise in batshittery. I would tend to opine the latter.

And isn’t it drop dead fascinating that with all the legal problems emanating from the Manhattan D.A.’s office that Trump has decided his biggest problem is getting even with the social media giants? This shows you where his head is at.

Actually, the more interesting news story might be, what limelight-seeking lawyer did he manage to rope into this? Trump’s choice of legal counsel is very limited these days, it’s always fascinating to see who shows up in the ring.

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  1. The more that he who shall not be named is cut out of or off from all forms of media, the better off we will all be! Attention is like oxygen to him, and we need to cut off that supply!

  2. Of course he suing them. Anyone or anything that doesn’t agree with him or let him have his way is wrong. Himself is never wrong, nor does he do wrong. So, of course, they must be the wrong ones.

  3. Reminds me of the time he sued Bill Maher for the $1 million Maher promised if Trump could prove his father wasn’t an orangutan.


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