I am so hoping that Lauren Boebert joins her soul mate and clone, Madison Cawthorn, in obscurity in the not too distant future. I was quite confident that that goal was going to be realized in CO-03, but then Adam Frisch’s stellar fundraising apparently upset the powers that be, and now Bobo is off the CO-03 ballot and onto the CO-04 ballot — if she doesn’t get taken down at the primary level.

Now, two schools of thought here: One, which the state GOP has expressed, is that it did not tell her to go run in CO-04. Mebbe. Mebbe not. I sincerely don’t think that Boebert dreamt up the idea on her own. Maybe it will turn out at the end of the day that more facts come to light, but at this very moment, that’s the stance I’m taking. I think she was encouraged to switch congressional districts. The other school of thought is that, no, they tried to talk her out of it. Fine. If she’s that headstrong, on top of being stupid, let’s watch her self destruct, like the old Mission Impossible tapes. Now, a couple of clips you need to see. One is Bobo telling the world that the rest of the GOP are frauds, but she’s not. The second is an hilarious uberegotistical rant. If she did this in a psychiatrist’s office, they would be quite worried about her.

An intellect made for fortune cookies, a body made for burlesque. And Bobo would have you believe that she is the real thing, the salvation of the GOP. Now this next clip goes deeper. It reveals that the Democrats don’t run on policies anymore, they’re only against Lauren Boebert. Um….are we suffering from Bobo Derangement Syndrome? Is that our problem? Or, do we merely see with clarity what a stupid see you tonight you are?

You notice that Bobo claimed she was “representing the entire state of Colorado.” I guarantee you, screams out outrage are being heard in the Denver-Boulder area, where I’m from. She emphatically does not represent those people, except in her dreams.

It’s going to be an interesting race. Here is Ike McCorkle’s website. McCorkle will represent the fourth district, or John Padora will. We did a piece on Padora already. Here’s his website again. Whichever Democrat gets the nomination is fine with me. If a ficus tree would get the nomination, it would do a better job in Congress than Lauren Boebert.

These two races in Colorado are going to be intriguing. Bobo just might manage to lose them both. Back to the theory that the GOP didn’t cobble this up: That theory is a many splendored thing itself. Bobo was about to be primaried. Not tell me that the GOP would have been fine with that, if it wasn’t in extreme anxiety about losing that seat?

So, Bobo didn’t want to be primaried and I don’t blame her. She can’t debate. That’s not in her box of tools. So she would have gotten wiped out in the debate process of the primary. Then will somebody answer for me why she doesn’t think she’s going to get wiped out in the debate process for the CO-04 primary? What is the difference, a primary here or a primary there — unless the GOP decided that maybe she could save Ken Buck’s old seat and she was sure to lose her own?

Just speculating, which is what we do a lot of here. But I think it might be the case at the end of the day that Bobo turns a laser focus on CO-04, like she did on CO-03 and she might lose them both.

Maybe not. Maybe since CO-04 is so staunchly Republican, that seat will go to the Republican. Then I guess she better hope she’s in it, the one with the R behind her name, because that is by no means assured at this point. And you know what happened to Madison Cawthorn when he did this mickey mouse.

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    • OOHHHHH MMYYYY, Janet, that is such a GREAT straight line!!! SoOo TEMPTING!!! But RUDE!!

      In the interest of decorum, I’ll pass this one up and let the punchlines write themselves.

      (Years ago, comedians were a dime a dozen, but great staight men were few and far between – like Bud Abbott of Abbott and Costello, Dean Martin of Martin and Lewis, Dan Rowan of Rowan and Martin, George Burns of Burns and Allen, Oliver Hardy of Laurel and Hardy)

  1. Well, unless there’s been some developments since my last post regarding the GOP race for CO-04, Boebert’s got GOP challengers (Ballotpedia didn’t list exactly when each person got into that particular race but I really doubt the others came to their decisions to run after Boebert made her announcement) and I can’t see they’re going to forego any primary debates.

  2. G.O.P. candidates for CO-4 ought to hammer home her carpetbagger status and along with that constantly replay her Beetlejuice video footage. I expect she really has no chance to win CO-4. She’s thrown a great deal of ammo to her opponents. Too bad the 4th is solid red because a dem candidate could use all of this. Even more of a pity is that she’s run away from the 3rd’ like the cowardly little piece of trash she is. Now another pube, likely an improvement over Bobo (a bar so low a slug could jump over it), will snatch this seat from Mr. Frisch.

  3. One can hope that Ken Buck still has enough pride of party left to work against Bobo, at least behind the scenes, if he doesn’t ant to appear anti GOP in his district. Still, we can only hope, as we have already seen that no matter what they say privately, the GOP folks seem to remain in lockstep in moments of crisis. Stay tuned . . . I guess . . .

  4. Come on everyone…where’s your pity? Given her educational and congressional track record…self awareness clearly isn’t her strong suit. If only she would use the…er…talents she…er…paid for. Maybe get some contacts, a different look, and hit the ski resorts where the wealthy bored private equity boys play. Just trying to help Bobo.

  5. Hey, those boobs may be real. At 74, and with a pair of 38Cs, I can still go braless. The dress likely has built in cups PR she is,wearing a,demi bra. And a body made for burlesque in nothing to sneeze at. Unlike today’s pole dancers, you actually Chad to have a body and a routine…


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