Biden Got The Memo. Guess Who Didn’t?


I find it kind of funny. As Joe Biden steamed past his 100 day mark like Usain Bolt breasting the tape and kept right on going, he’s getting more and more kudos from the media for one of the simplest things he’s done.

Biden rode into the White House on a kumbaya message of bipartisanship, which caused the press corps to roll their eyes and mumble here we go again. But it turns out that while Biden is talking the bipartisanship talk, he’s keeping the GOP on a very tight time leash. Then he’s getting it done. Why does this surprise the media? After all, ye gad a ringside seat to the 2009 train wreck?

But you know who didn’t get the memo? Apparently Moscow Mitch McConnell slept through the alarm. And why shouldn’t he? No different than 2009, another smooth talking, big spending liberal, and this one without the majorities the last one had. Run the playbook.

But tempus does fugit, and this is not 2009, despite the similarities. But there are also serious differences, three in particular that could blow up in McConnell’s face for following the same tired strategy. Here they are.

  1. Biden is no Obama – McConnell must have had nocturnal emissions every time he heard a young, idealistic, half term Senator turn President talk about crossing the aisle. Biden is no such babe in the woods. Obama let McConnell string him along for months, gutting an economic stimulus bill, before Obama finally passed it on his own, and took the hit when it didn’t have the desired effect. Biden gave the GOP one chance, and then passed the largest, most popular bill he could, and got all of the glory for the Democrats. McConnell is not going to outfox Biden at this game.
  2. In 2009, the GOP owned the messaging battle – In 2009, it didn’t matter what the initiative was. The Stimulus bill, the auto industry bailout, cash for clunkers, Obamacare, the GOP instantly had a catchy bumper sticker slogan that doomed the project in the public eye. In 2020, the GOP fucked up. They followed Trump down the stop the steal! rabbit hole, which left the policy messaging field clear for Biden and the Democrats, and they crushed it. True to his word, Biden used bipartisanship, selling the features of his plans to middle America, including GOP Mayors and Governors. Oooops. It turns out that obstruction just isn’t as sexy when you’re fighting against things your constituents actually like.
  3. Obamacare took too goddamned long – The ACA was supposed to be the crown jewel of Obama’s first term. And it should have been. But, the messaging and rollout nightmares aside, there was a fatal flaw to the law. For all of its promise, the first two years of the law were largely administrative years, laying the structure for the actual benefits to come. The majority of the most popular items didn’t kick in until years 3-4, which was far too late to save the Democrats in the midterms. Biden is making no such mistake. His Covid Relief Bill was almost all instantaneous. The money went out the door, and people saw the benefits. The same is true for his infrastructure plan, as well as the American Families Act. Any of these things that the Democrats manage to pass in 2021 are all campaign trail ready for the 2022 midterms. People will see roads and bridges getting repaired, money flowing into their states and cities, and the improvements. And the Democrats are already using their messaging advantage to spank craven GOP cowards for taking credit for benefits in a law they all voted against.

So, there you have it. On its face, there is no real apparent reason for McConnell to not repeat what worked so beautifully the last time? But despite the similarities, the on-the-ground dynamics are totally different. And worse yet is the fact that Donald Trump is the 800lb gorilla thundering around the wedding reception hall, tearing the place to shit. The GOP are too busy fighting with each other to fight Biden and the Democrats, and that’s the kind of messaging bonanza for the Democrats that money just can’t buy.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. ‘The GOP are too busy fighting with each other to fight Biden and the Democrats, and that’s the kind of messaging bonanza for the Democrats that money just can’t buy.’

    This is the real advantage the Democratic Party has, a divided competitor, too distracted by internal battles about Trump fealty to even be a competitor. And the Democrats will make hay while the sun shines.

  2. The division among Republicans, I look to see continue well into the decade. As it is a new experience for them, Mitch included, Uncle Joe is going to have a far easier time than he otherwise would have.

    • As long as they’re lined up behind the former guy, ready to do his bidding (whatever it is at that moment), they’re stuck. All he really cares about is Being President – the job title and the money, not the job itself. [I say build a replica of the Oval Office and let him sit in it all he wants. Let him have his Diet Coke button. But not Twitter and not phone access to the Big Names he loves so much.]

  3. YE GADS MURPH .. yes so many zingers I made short thread on Twitter. … and GUESS WHO GOT MEMO about USING IT ALL FOR MIDTERMS.
    MT @TammyDuckworth
    No Republican signed onto the American Rescue Plan.

    No Republican is signed onto the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

    No Republican is signed onto the For The People Act.

    No Republican is willing to build an America that works for all Americans.


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