Well, maybe its a little bit paranoia. After all, we’re talking about Trump here, and as the tide changes, as Professor Christina Greer just quipped on MSNBC, The election can only mean one of two things for Trump, The White House or The Big House. So sure, there’s some paranoia in there

But paranoia alone can’t account for the incredible disconnect, emotionally as well as politically that Traitor Tot is experiencing in the last three weeks. Nor for his almost paralyzing inability to adapt to a simple change. The old Trump almost seamlessly switched from threat to threat, spewing vitriol with him. This is something else.

Cast your mind back to the still somewhat sane days of 2015-16, before Vlad the Imp gifted Traitor Tot with new digs for the next four years. Back then he was known to friends and foes alike by two simple words, Mr. Trump.

And even back then, while Trump was still the same joke, just not as stale, his minions like Kayleigh McEnany and KellyAnne ConJob were already laying down the riffs that were to come to define his persona as a candidate, based on his business experience. And they always had one particular favorite, which by Trump’s nature for bullsh*t kept growing to almost gargantuan proportions.

Here’s how it went. Starting with his earliest days in business, if there’s one thing that everybody learned, it was never to screw with Trump. Trump has a vicious temper, and is incapable of suffering the slightest insult. He holds a grudge, and will wait decades if necessary to extract his revenge. This is true, Trump is incredibly vintictive, which led  McEnany and ConJob to gleefully relate, Mr. Trump will wait decades if he has to in order to extract his revenge, and when he finally gets it, he’ll hit you 10X harder than you hit him in the first place. That persona followed him through four years in the White House.

And that is what is fueling Trump’s paranoia, rage, and frustration. In what seems to be an ever increasing slide over the last two years, Trump is bouncing from defeat to defeat, like a pinball caught between bumpers, and none of them offer him the slightest possibility of revenge;

  • He can never get $89 million worth of revenge against either E Jean Carroll or the judge
  • He can’t get $454 million in revenge against NY Attorney General Letitia James or that judge either
  • He can never get revenge for 34 criminal convictions against either Manhattan dA Alvin Bragg nor Judge Juan Merchan
  • He was never able to extract revenge from either Nancy Pelosi or anyone else for his two House impeachments, not even getting the salve of his own GOP House being able to vote articles of impeachment agaqinst Biden

But what’s going on right now is by far the deepest cut, leaving the worst thirst for revenge, and lots of it. Because this one was one that he should have been able to rectify, and finally get his pound of flesh.

Joe Biden beat Donald Trump, and he accumulated more votes than any presidential candidate in history in doing it. Trump can Big Lie his Big Ass off, but spontaneous remarks made to former aides and advisors clearly show he knows he got his ass kicked.

But this was an insult that could be rectified. Trump has spent the last four years, like Hitler with his stupid architect renderings of the Third Reich Berlin, in preparing a bitter end for his arch nemesis. You could almost see the wicked glee in his face as he watched Biden stumble and fumble his way through that debate.

And now that last chance to finally set the scales straight on his most humiliating defeat is gone. Biden did the noble and patriotic thing, and stepped aside for the future of the party and the country. This is so totally unfair! Harris didn’t kick Trump’s ass, Biden did. And now Biden has to go and do the honorable thing and leave Trump with no dead equine to flog! It just makes you want to piss!

This is why Traitor Tot can’t stop talking about Biden. Commiserating on how terribly Biden was treated by his own party for one lousy debate, and spreading far right conspiracy theories that Biden will suddenly pop up, like a vampire after sunset, and claim his nomination back so Trump can finish the job! What good does it do him to take it out on Harris, there’s no payback factor there.

Of all the slings and arrows Trump has taken lately, this one cuts the deepest. Because this was the one where Trump was supposed to be able to extract his revenge. And now it’s been ripped away, like a mother taking away a child’s dessert for not finishing their Brussel Sprouts. There’s Biden, right over there, so close Trump can almost touch him, but he might as well be in that Tesla convertible heading off to Mars and beyond. What can I say? These days it sucks to be The Donald.

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  1. He truly is a pathetic creature.

    Not that I’m going to give him any sympathy.

    He has earned and deserves his suffering, let it be as Shakespearean as his cruelty.

  2. Gee, “Mr. Trump”, why not SUE Biden for NOT being the candidate of the Democratic Party in this election?

    I’m sure that will go swell for you, right?



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