Finally! It’s about time. Like in some Elizabethan romance novel, as the clock strikes midnight the band stops playing, the dancers all stop in their places, look around, and as one the masks are dropped, and the lout finally revealed.

Trump has spent his entire professional life cultivating and spreading two rich textures of bullsh*t. The first was that of the Boy Wonder of the real estate world, the Gordon Gecko of property as it were. The other texture was that of the rakish young raconteur, always down for a good time, and the lovlier the ladies, the better the time. Trump was so desperate for the last one that he even posed as his own PR flack to plant juicy stories with the tabloids, who promptly considered him a joke.

And to their eternal damnation, for the most part the media went along with the con. They covered his every success breathlessly. He was almost omnipresent, and always brash and arrogant. And when Trump wasn’t around, there was Trump the Book, and even Trump the Game, where the object is to screw your family and friends.

By far the worst offender was NBC. Trump is a virulent racist and sexist, and throughout his tenure on The Apprentice, there were rumors and accusations of rampant sexism and racism, including vile language face-to-face.  But NBC whitewashed it to protect their cash cow. But NBC wasn’t the only one with a cash cow. Records show that for several of those years, his Apprentice paycheck was pretty much his only reported income.

With that kind of persona, a leap into politics was inevitable. The persona said it all. In fact, the persona was so overpowering that it made the perfect cover for his toxic rhetoric and positions. Most people told themselves and each other, Ah, that’s just his schtick, the rednecks eat that sh*t up. After all, nobody could be that big of an *sshole in real life, they’d never get a vote!

Wanna bet? The real Trump is even worse than his persona, and anybody who has actually paid attention to the legitimate reporting on the portrait in Trump’s attic shouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised at what they’re seeing and hearing today;

  • The young Trump once referred to his Studio 54 days, trying to keep from getting winged by a STD as his personal Vietnam
  • In his real estate days with his father, they had a secret code they used on applications to keep from renting to blacks. This cost them a settlement with the DOJ for unfair renting practices
  • Trump’s father was arrested in a KKK march in New York before Donald was born. That alone tells you all you need to know
  • Trump angrily took out front page ads in New York newspapers, calling for the public executions of The Central Park five, five black teens wrongfully accused of assaulting and raping a white female jogger. Trump has never acknowledged the error
  • His nephew Fred III, in a new book, All in the Family, tells the tale of Trump, whose convertible had had the roof slashed, twice angrily referring to the vandals as Those f*cking n*ggers!, even though Trump had not even seen the vandals
  • Trump has had three wives, and cheated around on each of them. He rocked down on Ivana with Marla Maples, then turned around and boogied down with Melania while he was married to Marla. Then he did a porn star tryout with Stormy Daniels while Melania was home caring for his infant son. In fact he publicly boasted about the first two affairs
  • Trump told casino executives that he didn’t want black guys working on his casino books. He only wanted guys with yarmulkas working on his books

Trump’s actual life has been an open book for anybody who wanted to pick it up and read it. But the persona was a lot more socially comfortable and less disturbing. It was all just part of his showmanship, which fed back into the persona again. Nobody wants to have to admit that they got sucked in by a vicious sociopath.

But now it’s midnight, the clock has struck, and the masks are off. I am not a psychologist, I don’t even play one in here very often, but I bet his niece, Mary Trump would agree with me. Trump is rapidly devolving. He has recently suffered a series of direct hits to his ego shield;

  • Trump’s two impeachments in the US House infuriated him, and being acquitted by the Senate did nothing to assuage it
  • Despite The Big Lie, evidence shows that Trump is fully aware that he lost to Biden fair and square. And that blows a hole in his entire persona as the Ultimate Winner
  • His civil liability for sexual assault hit Trump where he lives, namely his persona as The Greatest Lover Since Valentino. It kills him to think he’s thought of as a rapist
  • His civil liability for running a criminal fraud enterprise under the guise of a real estate company blew a giant hole in his Real Estate magnate, his ego pride and joy
  • 34 criminal convictions in Manhattan, in one fell swoop, turned the God of Manhattan into just another street thug

You can bullsh*t your family, you can bullsh*t your friends, you can bullsh*t your boss, but you can’t bullsh*t yourself. And no matter how much he shovels on in there, that little truth bone in the back of his head is throbbing like a rotting tooth.

The mask is off. Unable to mask his true feelings and urges successfully anymore, even to himself, Trump is finally letting his freak flag fly. He is finally showing himself for what he is, an angry, disillusioned, racist, sexist, xenophobic narcissistic sociopath old man. And if he can’t kid himself anymore, he sure as hell isn’t going to waste the time trying to fool anybody else either.

You could see it coming. His rhetoric in his rallies has become increasingly disjointed, darker and more threatening. The same for his appearances of far right media. And then came the crown jewel, his appearance this week before the NABJ convention in Chicago. The anger, the vitriol, the personal abuse and thinly veiled racist comments. Trump may as well have stood up, spread his arms wide, and thundered out, Here I am! This is the real me! And f*ck all of ya!

Mr. and Mrs. America, meet Donald Trump. I won’t bother to say the real Donald Trump, he’s always been that way if you just bothered to look. How much of a business genius is he when he bankrupts four bloody casinos? How honorable is he when he screws every single small vendor or craftsman who does work for him? How legitimate of a businessman can he be when his charity and for profit universities were disbanded by the New York Attorney General, with fines and sanctions laid on?

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. America. You have allowed yourselves to be duped into the longest running con job in the history of disorganized crime. The Emperor has no clothes. The Trump y’all claim to be so shocked by is the same Trump he’s always been. He just isn’t bothering to try to hide it anymore. Which takes us to the only question left worth asking, Now that you finally know who and what he is, what are you going to do about it?

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. How much of a business genius is he when he bankrupts four bloody casinos?

    Enough of one to have taken many, many millions out of them in salary and fees, after putting nothing in. As far as a narcissistic sociopath is concerned, that’s genuine genius.

    Just sayin’.

    • Fact remains he COULD have made millions out of them. It isn’t as if casinos aren’t cash cows-they are. F.F.S. the tribes own them and with a little bit of hired know-how (the smart tribes hire people with actual casino management experience who are 99% of the time white), make quite a killing off of the white man. These are folks who have been shit upon almost since europeans arrived, survived (barely) genocide, are attempting to overcome the state school experiences, and are further tasked with 50%+ unemployment rates on the rez (and this is a short list BTW). These folks make casinos work. They are NOT people given billions by their fathers and then proceed to tank four casinos.

      But, yeah, make much out of a paltry couple of million (it was never “many”), quickly blown, from stealing from his employees.

      Business genius’ make money from their businesses in the form of, now I will bet this is an unfamiliar word to you, PROFIT.

      IF he is such a business “genius”, why is it he has to live on an allowance from some of his bankruptcies (in order to end the seemingly unending bankruptcy trials, banks settled and allowed him a certain amount every month just to be shed of the dumbass). Why is it he was picked for the Apprentice (please look up what they were looking for and how trump fit the bill because he was NOT making money and needed it)? Why is it he desperately needs the pension he receives from squatting in the oval for four years? Why is it he has been risking it all to launder russian money?

      Not sure “genius” is the correct term to use for von shitzinpants.

      • Well, there is such a thing as “evil genius.” Evl geniuses re known for staying one step ahead of the powerful (good) guys trying to neutralize him – Trump**can barely stay one step ahead of the powerless (dumb) people he wants to vote for him, but it seems to work, at least on them.

      • Trump.agreed to do the show because he was no longer building projects and Instead merely licensing use of his name after after over extending himself and barely avoiding personal.bankruptcy in the 1990s.

  2. Trump reminds me of Eddie Haskell. Gee Mr. America your lawn sure looks nice. Mrs.America that sure is a pretty dress you have on and your hair looks great. Now with his fascist group how can we cheat and fleece these rubes of everything before we move on to the next town? The newest fleece is trump trading cards of the fake shooting and a glass with a fake( how appropriate) bullet and him giving his fascist fist salute. These clowns will buy anything. And speaking of buying has anyone got their hands rump sneakers yet?

  3. “You can bullsh*t your family, you can bullsh*t your friends, you can bullsh*t your boss, but you can’t bullsh*t yourself. And no matter how much he shovels on in there, that little truth bone in the back of his head is throbbing like a rotting tooth.”

    I beg to differ. Trump absolutely can and does bullshit himself, 24/7. There is no truth in the back of his head. That is precisely why, as you discuss in another thread, he’s “complacent” about his campaign, though none of his campaign people are. What do they know? Like Der Führer 80 years ago, rump’s retreating into his bunker, above all his mental bunker, where everything’s going to be fine just like it always has been. Sure, many innocent ketchup bottles will be destroyed in the process, but Trump NEVER blames himself for anything, it’s always somebody else’s fault.


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